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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by climberusa

Your search returned 0 categories and 13 photos


Alaska bouldering

Average Rating = 2.33/5 Alaska bouldering

This is a shot of me working on Epiphany in Ptarmigan put up about 2 years ago by Todd Helgeson. There is a bit of a hill so it looks like my foot is on the ground but I swear it's not. The crimps on this thing are like razors!
Submitted by: climberusa on 2004-09-20
Views: 2629 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
A beautiful problem

Average Rating = 4.00/5 A beautiful problem

This is me on some V8 right off the road outside of Leavenworth, WA. It starts on the right side on good holds and traverses the obvious middle line on slopers and crimps and tops out to the left. I was just visiting for the day so I don't know the specifics of the area, however, this is in the guidebook as just (V8. My friend Keith Lundquist took this picture.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-20
Views: 730 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 7
In memory of Matt Chriswell

Average Rating = 3.88/5 In memory of Matt Chriswell

This is a beautiful shot taken a few months ago in the Lane Glacier area. It was taken by a friend of mine(who's permission I have to submit this of course). The two guys are Ben and his brother Matt. I just thought this was a beautiful picture and thought it would be nice to memorialize him here.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-20
Views: 811 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 3
Muffin Man

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Muffin Man

A shot of me on a fun V8 below the diamond. It's getting cold in Alaska! Picture taken by Todd (rocknalaska)
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-20
Views: 549 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
I'm gonna squish you!

Average Rating = 3.82/5 I'm gonna squish you!

Just having fun in Hatchers Pass whilst searching for new boulders.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-15
Views: 725 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 5
Beauty at Dusk

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Beauty at Dusk

Just snapped this tonight after exploring some different possible climbing no avail. It is so beautiful in this state.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-14
Views: 657 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Todd on Backseat (V10)

Average Rating = 3.30/5 Todd on Backseat (V10)

Here's a pic of Todd Helgeson on Backseat in Squamish, BC. This was taken by Libby Helgeson on my digital. We worked on this problem for two days while we were there over the memorial day weekend this year. What a classic!
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-13
Views: 670 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 6
Big man little move?

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Big man little move?

Just out of reach! This is Keith Lundquist on some V9 in the Leavenworth area on 9-6-03. I don't know where exactly as I was visiting from out of state but it is in the guide book. Sick sit-start on small crimps and just dyno to a small hold about four feet up. Hard. I took this shot with my digital.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-13
Views: 946 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Archangel Valley Bouldering

Average Rating = 3.72/5 Archangel Valley Bouldering

A shot of me on some V6/7 in Archangel Valley below the diamond. It starts on the lowest chalk marks you can see and bear hugs up the arete with a decent heel hook. Stand up start is about V3. Fun big move at the end! Good spot a must! Shot taken on a my digital by Libby (Todd' new wife).
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-12
Views: 906 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 3
World Class Bouldering in Alaska

Average Rating = 3.70/5 World Class Bouldering in Alaska

This me on a V8 that Todd Helgeson put up last summer. It's called Muffin Man. It's a tough stand-up start on two flat underclings at chest level. You pull up into them throw a left heel up and do a tough deadpoint to a crimp. Set your feet and toss up to a sloper, then lock off and reach for the top rail. Great line. The Picture was taken by Todd on my digital.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-11
Views: 1076 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 7
Reliving the moves

Average Rating = 3.60/5 Reliving the moves

This was taken in may of 2002 above the Monolith by the Highlander Boulder. Even with all of the snow, it was nearly 75 that day.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-11
Views: 647 | Votes: 15 | Comments: 5
Davids first V3!!

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Davids first V3!!

This is Dave Maynard on his first V3. I think this was about his second or third time bouldering outside as he only started climbing this year. Pretty high climb for a newbie. Don't worry his spotter is taking the picture.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-11
Views: 619 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Alaskan bouldering really is good!

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Alaskan bouldering really is good!

But only 3 months at a time. This is me on Kshatriya (V7) in Weiner Lake. This is one of the most aesthetic problems of weiner lake and by far one of the tallest. Scary Mantle! This was taken on my digital.
Submitted by: climberusa on 2003-09-11
Views: 1298 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0