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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by climbinginchico

Your search returned 0 categories and 25 photos


View from the top

Average Rating = 0.00/5 View from the top

Here's the view from the top of Cathedral, with the tip of Eichorn's Pinnacle visible. Ross has the nice horizon...
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 1166 | Comments: 0
Chimney Belay Ledge

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Chimney Belay Ledge

Here's me and Ross on the ledge just below the Chimney. Awesome exposure on this climb.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 909 | Comments: 0
The summit Shot

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The summit Shot

The obligatory "We Made it to The Top" picture. Nice climb up Cathedral Peak, stellar views.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 1359 | Comment: 1
Cathedral Peak Base

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Cathedral Peak Base

Here's a shot of the Southeast Buttress of Cathedral Peak. It looks pretty awesome from this angle.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 1589 | Comments: 0
Maximum Exposure

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Maximum Exposure

The exposure from the top of Cathedral Peak is amazing. Makes it feel like a more difficult climb than it really is.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 1573 | Comment: 1
The line of Little Sheba

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The line of Little Sheba

Here's the line of Little Sheba, a great 10a. Am I at 40 yet?
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 1628 | Comments: 0
Leading Little Sheba

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Leading Little Sheba

This is my first lead of a 5.10a trad climb. I was so excited to get to the top without falling! Photo by jiadar
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25
Views: 1747 | Comments: 3
Alpine Glow on The Unicorn

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Alpine Glow on The Unicorn

On the way back to the Meadows after camping Ross and I saw the glow was perfect. I turned around and Ross ran to get this shot in the narrow time window we had.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-25 | Last Modified: 2007-04-25
Views: 1230 | Comment: 1
Liebacking the crux of West Country

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Liebacking the crux of West Country

This is the semi-polished crux of West Country on Stately Pleasure in Tuolumne. Stellar route. This pitch ended on a small runout above a green alien, a blue alien, and a blue-green hybrid alien. Fun, and a little heady on the friction to the anchors. And look: Sheila's even looking at me and not the guys down below!
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-16 | Last Modified: 2006-11-13
Views: 1668 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
THE ANCHOR is massive

Average Rating = 5.00/5 THE ANCHOR is massive

We certainly went to town building this bad boy.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 2556 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 7

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Top of THE ANCHOR

Here is Sheila enjoying her ham sandwich. We all know that makes her a Real Trad Climber. I think the gear and equalization speaks for itself. Bomber. In the upper right are some nuts knotted together. Sean is so creative! Yes, that is TP on a nut tool. Always Be Prepared.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 1808 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Right side of THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Right side of THE ANCHOR

This is Elaine's wonderful opposed nut placement, along with the bomber green alien/blue-green hybrid alien stack. Note liberal usage of hybrid aliens. Also see proper equalization, if you can follow all the slings. They lead to the main cordalette, I think.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 2625 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
THE ANCHOR left side

Average Rating = 3.50/5 THE ANCHOR left side

Here's the left side of the massive anchor we call THE ANCHOR.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 1617 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Right side of THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Right side of THE ANCHOR

This is Elaine's wonderful opposed nut placement, along with the bomber green alien/blue-green hybrid alien stack. Note liberal usage of hybrid aliens. Also see proper equalization, if you can follow all the slings. They lead to the main cordalette, I think.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 758 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
More left side of THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 3.00/5 More left side of THE ANCHOR

Here is a stitched photo of the middle left side of THE ANCHOR. It has a bomber #5 C4, cammed hex, brown tricam, and a bomber #2 C4. There is also an older style #4 C4 just above the #5. All are properly equalized into a few cordalettes or something.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 1253 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Bottom Right of THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Bottom Right of THE ANCHOR

Here is the most bomber portion of THE ANCHOR. The big bro isn't going anywhere. Not too bad for my first vertical BigBro placement. And the #6 C4 keeps the bomber girth hitched chockstone in place. Creativity in anchoring is the hallmark of the Real Trad Climber.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 906 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Bottom of THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Bottom of THE ANCHOR

Here is Sean's passively placed #4 C4, along with a huge hex. This is the bottom portion of THE ANCHOR. It's all tied together with a 25 foot loop of webbing and much of a 60m dynamic "cordalette."
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 693 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Liebacking Little Sheba

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Liebacking Little Sheba

We all took different techniques on Little Sheba (10a) in Tuolumne. I looooove liebacking, so that's the method I chose. Sean power jammed the route on lead, then Elaine and Sheila gracefully danced up the climb before I went up and broke the anchor down. Stellar hand and fingers crack. Photo by and courtesy of baja_java.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07 | Last Modified: 2006-11-13
Views: 862 | Comments: 2
Biner Chain on THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Biner Chain on THE ANCHOR

Here's my totally bomber personal anchor. A blue alien with a biner chand to my harness. BOMBER!!
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 2332 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Camalots in THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Camalots in THE ANCHOR

Here are the camalots in part of THE ANCHOR.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-07
Views: 2075 | Comments: 0
Left side of THE ANCHOR

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Left side of THE ANCHOR

Here are the aliens and tricams on the left side of THE ANCHOR. The leftmost piece is a bomber blue-green hybrid alien. Not visible are the sliding x's and a mini cordalette (48" Mammut sling with an 8-on-a-bight) equalizing everything into a tech cord cordalette into the main cordalette power point.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-07-06
Views: 1162 | Comments: 3
Hanging out on Royal Arches

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Hanging out on Royal Arches

Here I am hanging out during our lunch break. Spectacular views down the valley. Taken on the ledge just below the pendulum. Photo taken by areuinclimber
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2005-06-28
Views: 911 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Final Lead of West Crack

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Final Lead of West Crack

This is me leading the final, runout, easy pitch of West Crack. I think it was something like a 40 foot runout or something to the first placement, a good red alien. Then another 40 or so to the next, a yellow alien. Placed I think 3 pieces, the whole pitch. Sean snapped this pic while I was slapping in that first alien. Sean always makes me take the runout leads! Photo by Baja_java.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2004-10-30
Views: 1130 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 4
Spike and Nookie

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Spike and Nookie

This is a photo of my dogs for the thread dealing with our dogs. Spike is the black lab, and is the sweetest lab ever. Nookie (short for Nanuk) is the white mutt. We have been told he is Alaskan sled dog (not sure tho...) and Aussie Shepherd. A bit of a temper on him, but he was abused as a puppy before we rescued him.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2004-08-30
Views: 854 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Chris on Bucketed Face- Camp 4

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Chris on Bucketed Face- Camp 4

Not too hard, just a 5.9 I think, but a good classic part of Camp 4 bouldering.
Submitted by: climbinginchico on 2004-04-15
Views: 788 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3