Charles danglling free on the rappel of the Washer Woman Arch. The wind was whipping it up pretty good which made for an exciting descent.
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-04-20 Views: 1343 | Comments: 0
The Washer Woman Arch above us is shown in the photo of her shadow. You can really see how she does indeed look like she is doing laundry.
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-04-20 Views: 1232 | Comments: 0
The final headwall of the Washer Woman Arch is protected by trad gear up to this point then a coule of drilled angles provide pro for the .10+ .11- moves to come.
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-04-20 Views: 1405 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
After the free rap off the arch this is the view back up. The route traverses the top of the arch from left to right.
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-04-20 Views: 1367 | Comments: 0
The first pitch ends at a smaller opening through the Washer Woman formation. The second pitch starts by stepping through the window and into a narrow chimney that splits the left wall just out of sight. It not at all a hard move but kind of thrilling as the exposure increses pretty dramatically once you step through the window.
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-04-20 Views: 1768 | Comments: 0
The sunset christmas day on the front range of Colorado was incredible. Here Meeker & Longs show through the bare trees.
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-01-07 Views: 1124 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Jeff finishes the stellar crux pitch on Journey Home. The Checkerboard Wall is in the background. photo by & w/permission of jsj42
Submitted by: cologman on 2005-01-06 Views: 1448 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Digital Zoom of climber on top of Ancient Art.
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-03-30 Views: 1015 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Kelly is all smiles after her first porta-ledge wall bivy!
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-03-21 Views: 868 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Skibabeage takes on Classic Diehedral on Bucksnort Slab. A truly classic climb up a beautiful diehedral.
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-03-07 Views: 874 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Deep in Canyonlands lives an old woman, seen here doing her wash. Great desert towers in a remote setting.
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-03-05 Views: 785 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Ever seen/used one of these? The trusty ole swivel piton. Been in my bag of tricks for over 35 yrs. Picked it up at an Army Surplus in late 60's. I actually placed it a time or two, hehehe!
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-02-08 Views: 852 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 3
The ankles hurt, the calves burn, and the thighs scream no more! But you're almost there, the top of the elevator shaft.
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-02-07 Views: 1206 | Votes: 49 | Comments: 29
Todd leading out on the great 11th pitch of the E. Butress. Great position and background.
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-01-28 Views: 733 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
A flyby pic of the tower on the way into the area that morning for a day of climbing. Note The Priest & Sister Superior Group on the Background. We were drinking Marg.'s that night in Salida, CO after climbing Kor/Ingalls by 6PM.
Submitted by: cologman on 2004-01-28 Views: 957 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
Climbergirl, her lil sis and dad, cologman sign in atop Mt. Princeton 14,197' ca. 1994. Climbergirl 9, her sis 7, cologman- lost track.
Submitted by: cologman on 2003-08-27 Views: 976 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
My 16 year old daughter Hallie and I after our recent trip up the Casual Rte on the Diamond. We are about to bail off the rappells and pick up our bivy gear.
Submitted by: cologman on 2002-10-26 Views: 958 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 4
Jeff lounging, most of the way up the sixth pitch, as the party in front of us tackles the final 2 ptiches of the Finger of Fate Rte.
Submitted by: cologman on 2002-10-25 Views: 834 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Ryan Brooks traverses right under the A2 overhang on the Finger of Fate Route of the Titan on pitch 4. Cottontail Tower is in the background.
Submitted by: cologman on 2002-10-25 Views: 842 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 2
AC jugs the seventh pitch of Moonlight Buttress. Ryan looks on as we prepare to clean up the bivy site.
Submitted by: cologman on 2002-10-25 Views: 874 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0