Photos by dagawebb
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Hi All, This shot was taken last year in August 2004. It was David Webb, Geoff Gibson and Ryan Frost at the belay on pitch 9. Love to see how small we really are on the big stone.
Photo by Nick Thain
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2005-02-28 Views: 983 | Comments: 3
This is David Webb belaying Ryan Frost on pitch 11 of Zodiac on an early morning start.
Photo By Geoff Gibson
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2005-02-28 Views: 1205 | Comments: 0
This Panoramic photo was taken when we woke up on the start of Day Two on the Prow. The photo was taken from pitch 8. Photo taken By David Webb
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-09-22 Views: 946 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
David Webb jugging towards the top of pitch ten of West Face of Leaning Tower. Photo Taken by Nick Thain David Webb is Jugging
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-09-02 Views: 1102 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This is Matt trying his luck on the Possible New Route Vertigo Alternate. This shot is taken in the middle of the climb where you have to use two peckers in a row to move up. Photo taken By Geoff Gibson
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-03-22 Views: 1423 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
This is the hopefully new route put up on 21 Mar 04 by Matt, Dave and Geoff. Matt lead the climb onsight and did it well without falling and all clean Aid. The climb is graded M5. If anyone knows if the route is already climbed PM me and I will remove the route and photo.
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-03-22 Views: 1080 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Geoff Gibson is leading Vertigo an A2 climb and is just going into the crux of the climb and the crux goes for 25m until you top out
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-03-21 Views: 1183 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 3
This Photo was taken by Nick Thain in February of this year. Nice picture of El Cap from a different location.
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-02-14 Views: 736 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This was taken while on the portaledge at the end of Day one on Ozymandias. The person in the photo is Geoff Gibson and I took the photo David Webb
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2004-02-06 Views: 922 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
David Webb ascending to the top of Pitch four of the West Face of Leaning Tower. This is the pitch which has the hook move on it. The Photo was taken by Fernando Poza from Spain.
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2003-10-06 Views: 853 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
We had a slow day the day prior and did not get the pitch 5 and 6 fixed so early morning photo. The people in the photo are David Webb (belay) Fernando Poza (leading) photo was taken by Hector. That was to be the start of a very long Day
Submitted by: dagawebb on 2003-10-06 Views: 660 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0