its the well known "hey...we finally arrived at our destination and climbed something" over-under
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-06-03 Views: 2262 | Comments: 3
a picture of me top-roping a hard good climb at Ragged Moutain. Don't worry, I didn't get much higher than where the picture was taken.
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-04-24 Views: 2873 | Comments: 0
Here is a photo, taken by Dudemanbu, of Noseblob leading up Wiessner Crack, I was belaying him(unseen by you the viewer)
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-04-03 Views: 2898 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
After realizing that trad climbing wasn't much fun that day, we decided to search around and do some bouldering, this is some of what we found
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-03-18 Views: 1645 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
For some reason, none of these problems are documented, maybe cause they are chossy junk...no...that can't be it
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-03-18 Views: 1749 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Dudemanbu leading Old Man of Ragged, after owning the 5.8 variation start
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-03-18 Views: 1606 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
here is a picture of me, taken by Dudemanbu, glaring at the boulder until it grants me safe passage to its summit
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-02-22 Views: 1450 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Nick throws down and gets his send on as he dynos for the final sloper on a fun climb at Seven Falls
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-02-22 Views: 1507 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
What can't be seen by this photo, is that Dudemanbu is actually biting the rock, stablizing himself for the mantle and long reach to the next hold
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-02-22 Views: 1596 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
now that I have a picture of my rack, it looks so small next to so many other racks, I think I have "rack envy"
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-02-16 Views: 1044 | Comments: 3
my first, and longest honest lead on ice, first pitch of standard to the "cave"
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-02-03 Views: 1255 | Comments: 0
Picture of Shoestring Gully in the condition that I had climbed it
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-01-05 Views: 1727 | Comments: 0
fun alpine climbing, wish I had some rock gear, but it was fun anyhow
Submitted by: devkrev on 2006-01-04 Views: 1695 | Comments: 0
an anchor I set at the top of Easy O, yup, thats all it is, just an anchor
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-09-07 Views: 1518 | Comments: 2
The Traverse off the second pitch of Layback, I was determinded to climb the first chimney clean this time around, I got up it, but it wasn't a pretty sight. Has anyone led that thing clean?
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-08-11 Views: 997 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Somehow they knew we were amateurs, I don't know how, but they knew.
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-06-22 Views: 1353 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 7
I love ice cragging in Connecticut. Get out of your car. Walk 50 feet. Climb.
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-06-14 Views: 2637 | Comments: 2
Myself on top of Mt. Washington last January, "hiked" the lions head winter trail. Beautiful day to be out. The designer shades that I am modeling can be purchased at any of the botiques or, er, gas stations in North Conway.
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-06-12 Views: 1741 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
The gunks has a plethora of great fixed gear, this piece on the second pitch of Strictly From Nowhere.
Yeah, half of it is hanging out and bent at an angle.
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-05-01 Views: 2359 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 5
this is my first lead at the gunks, I think it was 5.2 but I guess we all have to start somewhere
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-02-09 Views: 1211 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
another photo of me, and most of the first pitch of Easy Overhang(5.2) on my first lead at the gunks
Submitted by: devkrev on 2005-02-09 Views: 1029 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Self portrait
Submitted by: devkrev on 2008-05-05 Views: 2266 | Comments: 0
The Carriage Road at the Gunks
Submitted by: devkrev on 2007-05-29 Views: 1605 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
self-explanatory, I like the illustrations.
Submitted by: devkrev on 2008-08-26 Views: 2646 | Comments: 2