I am trying to get this into my profile
Saint-Aimé-des-Lacs, Charlevoix, Québec Grade: IV, WI5+ Height: 330m (1,100 http://www.neice.com/2002/e-guide/ClassicClimbs/LaPommedOr.htm
Note the break in the ridge that opens up here to the left of our ice climb La Pommed Or along the top and left edge. This could be an exit as one travels to the left from the 1000' ice climb along the edge of the cliff and steps immediately down as traveling straight to the left. Usally people repel the route with pipes. I tried to walk up there but only got a short space the first day. I maked it with orange tape five years ago.
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-15 Views: 2121 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Saint-Aimé-des-Lacs, Charlevoix, Québec Grade: IV, WI5+ Height: 330m (1,100 http://www.neice.com/2002/e-guide/ClassicClimbs/LaPommedOr.htm
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-12 Views: 1661 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
These are where most of the rocks probably fall from. Two are three a day, small ones and big ones. Better wear your hard hat. I think it might be a good idea for a party to get up there with a radio with someone on the ground and get rid of them all. But then there would not be such an nice flat place to sleep on. : (
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-11 Views: 857 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This route is about A3 to the right of fat stick. Nice route. Goes straight up.
How to get to the base of Half Dome. Follow the pen mark on the photo? This works, but one false step and you have to start over again from the base. In the beginning I used to go through the trees. That is worse! Getting to the base is sometimes more fun then the climb.
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-11 Views: 871 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
The first pitch ends when the crack starts to turn right.
The ledge straight up is the end of the first day.
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-11 Views: 918 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This give a better prespective on my other pic. While most people are starting climbs I am down here taking pictures! That is because I bailed a solo, it did not seem like it would be fun after the first pitch so I came back down.
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-11 Views: 910 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Location: Saint-Aimé-des-Lacs, Charlevoix, Québec
Grade: IV, WI5+
Height: 330m (1,100
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-11 Views: 2305 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
This is John ? who I climbed this with years ago. Does anyone know him?
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-10 Views: 1012 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Watch out for the rock fall. A few years ago part of the right side of the cliff fell off.
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-10 Views: 854 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Yo Dude! WazzzzzzzUp!!!!!!!?,
This is a pic of my friend Ammon McNeely (elcapbuzz), Big Wall Guru. If
you need to know something about how to climb a big wall without clogging
that all up . . . keep your eye on him, he can give you some ... advice,
no problem elcapbuzz@yahoo.com. This is a shout out to the loosers on Tangerine
Trip: Yo, don't clog my route's dude, man, its just not cool, snaged circus
ropes and no water I have no sympathy for. I'll dump water on your dehydrated
ass and then drop the gear that landed on us after we pass you. Joshua
Perry For more info see my
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-09 Views: 1625 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Yo Dude! Yo, Wazzzup!!!?
This is a ledge I found on pitch 9 1/2. There ain't much around up here
to hang out on! Watch out for possible loose rocks on this pitch. Joshua
Perry Alias: Zodiac Kid
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-09 Views: 2032 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 3
Yo! Wazzzup!!?
http://trevc.net/whassup/cparodies/wazup.avi The Zodiac Kid rides again! Yo dude!, that's me [Joshua Perry, glad to meet you] getting my ass kicked on a big wall! But I kicked back and ended up on a rivet on pitch 6 the first day!, with no stockin up (no fixed lines dude). So for all you *loosers* who can't take it in three days (or some *reasonable* amount of time) better practice middle cathedral or something out of my way a few times with your fat pig on AIDS [1.]. Because if I see your dumb ass out here in public on the big wall dragging your sorry ass I will be kicken your dumb ass off the circuit! And, NO!, you cannot have part of my turkey sandwich with peppers, High C, and Apple pie, you got to be kiddin me boy! Get back down and do something your own size, get real! Zodiac, Yea baby!, keep on truckin, what's next, how about Tis-Sa-Ack route? Anyone out there game for that or what?, no slackers need apply.
See ya!
Joshua Perry
PS BTW, my friends call me the Duke, or Dukie for short. For more info see:
[1.] A.I.D.S. (also known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome) here means acquired inability and mental deficiency syndrome where a parties haul bag is too fat at the start of the climb and runns out of food and water before the end of the climb, even after it has to go on a restrictive diet!
Submitted by: donaldjamesperry on 2002-09-08 Views: 1398 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
Old route in Ramapo done 25 years agon now needs bolts???
Old route in Ramapo done 25 years agon now needs bolts???
At Millbrook at the Gunks middle right on cliff.