This was a fun 5.7. Though I was able to move through the Crux, I was too pumped out after several attempts as well as climbing throughout the day.
This climb was on a exposed area that is close to the entrance if I am not wrong. Feel free to post if you know or recongize the area I'm talking about.
I also got bored, I decided to crop as well as add B/W. I really don't have an idea of how to photoshop pics all that well...
Submitted by: dontfall on 2005-11-04 Views: 1964 | Comments: 0
This is a sweet climb scubasnyder showed me while we were deciding which area to crank on. Fun climb, short but not too pumpy. Not a gutsy type of climb, just gotta use what you have and go for it.
When Rob showed me this climb, he used an entire hand but for some reason, I just used two fingers....it looks kinda sick.....
photo by scubasnyder
Submitted by: dontfall on 2005-04-04 Views: 2001 | Comment: 1
I don't know when I'll accomplish this problem but it certainly is worth my time and effort. Great friction and totally a highballer. Phil (chronicle) flashed that puppy in no time....it's my turn now!
Photo taken by Debbie
Submitted by: dontfall on 2005-01-17 Views: 1654 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
This pic turned out pretty cool, I don't remember how many times I tried to climb 3 Star that day but it was more then a handful. Friction, proper hands and feet, you should be set. And a little guts-glory to add it in for the celebration once you send her!
photo taken by Debbie
Submitted by: dontfall on 2005-01-17 Views: 1621 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Another Photo taken at camp. Need 40 words or things or something like that and this class really sucks....
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-12-01 Views: 1458 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Glen working a hard v3
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-09-16 Views: 1392 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
A really cool sit start cave like problem. I wasn't able to do the sit start so I just jumped up to the next move...
photo taken by xcel360
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-09-08 Views: 1379 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
This problem was rated v1 in the guide book but we finally figured out key features were broken off, still haven't been able to top out the problem...
photo taken by xcel360
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-06-01 Views: 821 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Kimmyt and Xcel360 cranking. This was our second trip down to Haycock. Glen is working on a v1 and Kim is working some v2.
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-06-01 Views: 771 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Glen worked this problem for a long while, but because of his arm injury (which lasted for ever), he wasn't able to top out.
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-06-01 Views: 761 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
There are so many problems I have climbed at Haycock, I forget which one this is. This problem was pretty cool, next move after this was a semi dyno to a superlicious friction jug. If you do not stick it, your gonna do a barn door and swing off...fall would hurt even with a spotter and pad.
photo taken by xcel360
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-06-01 Views: 851 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
I finally found a pic of me. I took a good 40 some odd pictures and found one of me. Not the greatest but who cares...
Photo by ?? (can't remember..one of the ohio dudes)
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-05-01 Views: 1136 | Comments: 0
Glen was just below me when I turned around took this photo. Another one of my favorites. I hope you rc.comers like this one as well
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-04-22 Views: 888 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 8
A few ohio guys (and 1 wife) took me up to Spruce Knob in the mist of a snow storm. Great time up there, funny stories.
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-04-22 Views: 1017 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 5
Djmeat on a 5.10b I belive the rating was on this route. I don't remember the route name but I think the guys who climbed it that day enjoyed the route.
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-04-16 Views: 1160 | Comment: 1
I was 4th in line on the Ferrata when I turned around and took this shot. The snow and cold got to the point of where 4 out of the 8 people who started the Route, bailed.
photo by dontfall.
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-04-16 Views: 767 | Comments: 3
Curt, Glen, and Todd climbed Blood, Sweat, and Chalk that day when we were at Franklin. Curt and Glen made it one or two bolts higher than there previous climb there but I am not sure for Todd.
That is Curt atop of a ledge waving at us as he was taking a break.
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-04-16 Views: 1604 | Comments: 3
I came across the Knotch and saw this breath taking view. I am glad I took this shot when I did. After this point, the weather got nasty.
photo by dontfall
Submitted by: dontfall on 2004-04-16 Views: 694 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
This picture dosen't allow you to see the hand placement but I guess you'll have to climb it yourself in order to get a clear picture of the finishing moves.
photo by kimmyt
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-12-26 Views: 1378 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
I was working crucification in this picture. The boulder is located in front of the upper cave. Problem starts to the lower left, work your way up, (mid-way) cross over, pull on on slopers and top out. Great warm up problem, not very pumpy but more along the lines of feet technique.
photo by kimmyt
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-12-24 Views: 1096 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 6
Climbing a crack climb on Tr at the Gunks. Nice long problem ............................................................................
photo by CA
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-11-04 Views: 931 | Comments: 0
Taking a break...to look at the climb and climbinganne scambled up and got this picture...BUSTED
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-11-04 Views: 807 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 7
Looks like I was digging for Gold within the rock.
photo by CA
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-11-04 Views: 664 | Comments: 0
I was halfway up the route, it started to rain, got slippery and I took a plunge. Not a great photo but oh well.
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-11-04 Views: 682 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Nice V0 boulder problem.
photo by CA
Submitted by: dontfall on 2003-11-04 Views: 791 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1