Local TN climber Cory Tanner getting ready to pull the crux on the classic Cakewalk 10a finger crack.
Cory Tanner getting a good stance just after liebacking through the roof on the classic 10a fingercrack Cakewalk.
Great climb with about 80 feet of hands to thin hands with a few merciful rests on giant knobs. This is me embarking on another section of thin hands enroute to the 10b layback section above.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-09-23 Views: 2571 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Gerry leading the super cruiser Boltway 5.8 up Stately Pleasure Dome, Tuolumne Meadows in preparation for the Regular Route on Fairview Dome that we climbed the next day. Really nice views of Tenaya Lake and a super short approach make this Dome a winner!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-09-21 Views: 1996 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Climbing partner taking a rest on the overhanging jam crack Strawberry Jams (5.8). Definitely an area classic with great gear and exciting moves.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-07-31 Views: 2624 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
DC resident Mikey B getting ready to do the 20 ft traverse left on Conns East, a sweet route with a typical super exposed Seneca top out.
Here is the view of the histrorical town of Harpers Ferry from the prominent 5.8 route "Hard Up". Almost looks like a model railroad...
Just about at the top of this stellar Seneca Rocks 5.7, tradmaster Dan takes a second to reflect...on Seneca's wild exposure!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-06-12 Views: 3594 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Here is the Breakaway Wall on a beautiful Sunday afternoon; topropes and fun for all!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-05-05 Views: 3382 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Took this while climbing (bad form I know..) but it was such a cool shot I had to.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-05-05 Views: 2935 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
Here is the classic Strawberry Jams pillar of Rocks State Park, MD. The sun makes seeing the topped out climber difficult. A cool detached 80 ft pillar with a classic 5.8 hand crack up the center....
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-05-05 Views: 3059 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Sue D styling up The Nose a 5.9 crack and face climb with great exposure due to a 10 foot leftward traverse that leaves you with nothing but 100 feet of air between you and the ground!
Steve Arsenault, the first ascentionist of area classic Cro-Magnon (5.10 d) still cranking on it without mercy some 30+ years later.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-04-12 Views: 2884 | Votes: 20 | Comments: 8
Area local D Gog showing off some early season skills cranking 5.11a on gear. Most lower off from the black sling anchor at the climber's waist, but when you have a reputation like he does the climbing goes for another 60 feet at 5.9...
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-04-12 Views: 1856 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Recent warm weather in Norhteast allows for some toproping; still a little wet and cold for leading. Tarzan is one of the area classics because it has everything fist and hand jamming, stemming, face, and some OW if you want it....
Thanks goes to Bill "Sendmaster" Neacy for the great shot!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-01-21 Views: 1849 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 6
Imagine being able to climb in the Northeast on Jan 21st with just a t-shirt on! That is just what happened today which allowed for climbing CroMag an oldschool 5.10 with a bouldery, way overhanging start and vicious handjams up high.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-01-21 Views: 2182 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Dave G TRing Absolute 5.13b X. The first crux move (5.13b) is to dyno off of a tiny crimper, which can be see in the upper right hand corner with a little chalk, to a sloping ledge; this first move is protected by a micronut and a RURP. The second crux (5.12 X) is another dyno from the previous sloper and cannot be protected from 30+ ft groundfall. I guess that is why you TR these things first...
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2006-01-21 Views: 1556 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Leading the 5.7 variation of Johnny Vegas; this is the third pitch where the option is to either climb a 5.9 right facing corner (zero exposure) or step right onto a 5.7 arete (more exposure)... the choice was simple.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-10-31 Views: 1478 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
The best part of this route is when rapping down you get to yell "Rope on Geronimoooooo!" and then the rope gets stuck in about 15 different cracks/features and the crying/rope cutting begins.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-10-31 Views: 1182 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Trying to figure out how the last pitch of The Swift goes; guidebook doesn't show the last 50 ft. So I end up leading a 5.9 variation that is a little wet... getting lost was the main theme of this Red Rocks/ Joshua Tree trip!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-10-31 Views: 1058 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
There is so much climbing in J-Tree even the baby J-Trees wear helmets to protect from rockfall along with headlamps of course.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-10-31 Views: 838 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
AT the top of The Swift a cool view of some of the far out regions of Joshua Tree. We were lucky to have the whole park to ourselves as it had just stopped raining.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-10-31 Views: 1005 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
The Eaglet offers east coast exposure only rivaled by the neighboring Whitney Gilman route on Cannon mountain. The tough approach was well worth it!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-09-08 Views: 2277 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Not sure if this is really one of the Guide Cracks on the South Flank of DAFF Dome even though it is sandwiched in between Guide Cracks 1 and 2. Instead it was an offwidth offering with many sharp Tuolumne crystals to tear your flesh just in case a wrong move was made.
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-09-08 Views: 1427 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Last day in the Meadows, so take it easy and do a 1 pitch crack; although it looks like a 20 pitch route by the scenary in the background!
Submitted by: douglaskinsman on 2005-09-08 Views: 1067 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0