Donnell onsights the new bouldery 18 in the local gym ... pity about the toprope mate!!!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 Views: 945 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Our new state onsight champ in the female category, Ambia Scott, takes a whipper off the roof!!!
(the camera back bloody well opened on me for this shot so the colour's doomed!!!)
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 Views: 1306 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
A climbing and caving group chilling out enjoying the sunset at The Balconies just outside of Halls Gap
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 Views: 643 | Comments: 0
Camping out at the Geehi campground before a mission trip along the Kosciuszko river, up atop Mt Twynham, accross to Mt Kosciuszko (Australia's tallest peak), to Mt Townsend, then down through the Kosciuszko Canyon and back home ... in a day ...
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 Views: 905 | Comments: 0
Jesia set up and ready to go on belay as we begin out very wet epic on Hurricane Lamp Cracks** 105m 5.4. The description reads "A mountaineering classic that would be worth an extra star under snow", well we didn't get snow but we did have hail - and lots of it!!! Plus a few bonus showering rocks from the skies, quite fun even if we did have to bail from the climb because of the horrible weather!!!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 Views: 849 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
After bailing out off the Hurricane Lamp Cracks for the second time on that weekend due to weather. We had quite a few bailouts over the weekend, it was quite a shocker!!! The skies were crud for photography too!!!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 Views: 845 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Not exactly rock climbing but excellent rope adventure anyway in an extremely exposed secret location.
This funnel is the largest manmade tunnel in the Southern Hemisphere - access is via a bloody long, extremely scenic drive from Sydney - then two hours along a dirt road - set up camp with 30 plus other people from around Australia get your 120m long 11mm static and start coiling it into your bomb bag ... when your forarms start burning and your back muscles start screaming your almost finished coiling it into the bomb bag - now haul that big farker onto your back and hike around to the entrance ... set up a very strong ancor setup, lots of lurvely equalising to be done here, plently of failsafes ...
Throw your bomb bag over the edge into the 50m in diameter 110m deep funnel below and watch as the rope uncoils in a sexy slither all the way down the drop - then ... *thud* it hits the bottom, you're almost sure you've split the bottom of the bag but you don't care, this is going to be a fun abseil!!!
At 70m down the pitch there's a lip - so you head on down, place an anchor - put on the rope protector and finish the abseil - just brilliant fun!!! No worries about the rope snagging, dodging ledges etc. etc., just a nice fun fast clean abseil!!! 30 odd people follow you down and then you explore the rest of the tunnel.
Then wait for nightfall and do it again and again in the dark!!! WOOT!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-07-08 Views: 825 | Comments: 4
Working on my first new route (well at least the first one I've ever planned) in The Hole at Norton Summit - called The DurgiNinjA Problem ... it's a long story :S Dunno what it'll be graded at yet think it'll be either a V3 to V4 in the end ...
Photo Geek Notes: Canon EOS5 35mm F2.8 1/10s Fuji Velvia 100
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-07-05 Views: 1181 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Tent City erected in Halls Gap, Victoria - plenty of off road driving to climbs, caves, and bouldering areas - all that off road driving, with 15 or so cars lead to a shitload of chips in my window screen but it was all well worth it. Nothin' like camping out bush :)
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-07-05 Views: 856 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Ben Wilding on belay as I climb Justine in the Adelaide hills - a nice cruisy climb once you get past the first couple of moves under the mini overhang ... those first couple of moves and some of the jamming make this route great fun even if it is only a grade 9 (ewbank) ... just good clean fun to climb :) Canon EOS5, 16mm fisheye f11 1/200s w/ 540ESZ flash on slave set at 1/4)
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-06-28 Views: 971 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Ha ha, here's a fine example of what happens when you don't test the durability of the rock you're jammin' on - the rock split from itself as I pulled up over a ledge windmilling my other arm up trying desperately to cling onto a sloper ... 'crack!' goes the rock 'ack!' goes the climber (that's me) and 'eek!' goes the belay (my buddy Ben Wilding) ... unable to move my index finger or my thumb (which I had fortunately only dislocated) I still managed to finish the climb ... then threw up ... and sat down for a while ... then came the iodine :S
Photo Notes: Canon EOS5, 85mm F3.5 1/250s, TTL Flash, Fuji Reala 100
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-06-20 Views: 669 | Comment: 1
That's me (Phil Davis) seconding Digital input g20 (5.11a) ... bounding up the climb at dusk was good fun ... was goodah :)
Photo notes: EOS5, 15mm Fisheye f2.8 2 sec, Fuji Reala 100
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-06-20 Views: 983 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Pulling into Muai Thai
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 1289 | Comments: 0
In the final movements on Chocolate Aftertaste
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 1732 | Comments: 0
Mate, this is probably the best route I've ever done!!! The cosmiques arete in Chamonix ... just brilliant!!! It may be soft but it's just pure fun!!!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 2058 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Thailand is amazing!!! You can still climb this limestone in the rain! Nuts!!!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 1195 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
It might be famous but it ain't so rad ... however, I was stoked anyway 'cause we were having the best time. Still put this as the best sport crag in the world!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 1055 | Comments: 0
Look at those happy faces!!! Shyeah!!! We're stoked!!!
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 1559 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Me lining up for the dyno on Nam Dah See (shortly after an epic deckout on the same climb)
Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2007-01-02 Views: 1118 | Comments: 0