Photos by dredsovrn
Your search returned 0 categories and 13 photos
Eric onsighted this one on our first day in the Gunks this trip. He was in the zone and floated through this climb. Nice line with sustained difficulty for the last 15 feet. Nosedive, Trapps, 5.10.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-10-02 Views: 2323 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
This one always makes me laugh. My wife brought my daughter to the GS Comp about halfway through. You can tell how much fun my daughter is having. This is right about the time she found out she couldn't climb.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-11 Views: 1026 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
This is my little girl on an unamed climb at Chickies.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-10 Views: 1751 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 17
Me and two friends on the GT ledge after the first pitch of Modern Times.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-09 Views: 2140 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
I took this picture while waiting for climbers to come into view on the NW Buttress.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-09 Views: 1445 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 4
This is Ryan climbing past the overhang on Hit and Run. A nice day to be in the shade on the NW Buttress.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-09 Views: 1236 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
I was at the top of the NW Buttress trying to get some non-buttshots, and decided to take some pictures of gear while I was waiting for the climbers to come into view. I couldn't decide whether it would be better to have focus on both side of the biner, but decided on this shot for the color and composition.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-06-09 Views: 1977 | Votes: 36 | Comments: 24
Glass Menagerie wasn't one of my choices, but I think this is the problem I am on here. Late in the day, it was kicking my butt.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-04-30 Views: 908 | Votes: 10 | Comment: 1
This shot is in the middle of the dyno for the lip. This is the first climb on the left of the North Wall. 5.10?
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2007-02-27 Views: 3031 | Comment: 1
Beginning the final pitch on the Spire in Potrero.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2007-02-27 Views: 1786 | Comments: 0
The overhanging section has some great moves. Making the move over the lip took a couple of tries.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2007-02-27 Views: 3794 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Eric lead the more difficult first pitch. I led the easier, but loose and runout second.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2007-02-27 Views: 2285 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This crack is about a 1 minute walk from the car. Too bad it ins't longer.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2007-03-02 Views: 1998 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0