Photos by fastnhappy
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Matt Durnin on a V5 in the happies. Stood there for quite a while before I saw the shadow. Really stands out once you see it. Shot with a canon 70-200 f4 L.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2004-01-20 Views: 615 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Jörg Zeidelhack on the first moves to Evilution at the buttermilks. An amazing photographer (climbnow1), a great climber, and more importantly, a genuinly wonderful human being!
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2004-01-17 Views: 716 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 4
Jörg Zeidelhack on evilution. An awesome day - got to meet him and Sharma in the same day.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2004-01-17 Views: 736 | Votes: 8 | Comment: 1
Matt Durnin on an unnamed slab problem at the buttermilks in Bishop CA. Using a telephoto lens, i compressed the depth of the frame making it look like the mountains were very close.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2004-01-17 Views: 739 | Votes: 8 | Comment: 1
Matt Durnin on Soulslinger in January. It gets pretty cold up there at 6000 ft.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2004-01-14 Views: 665 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Jason Sanks on Tanantela - a long 5.10a. It was late on an overcast day and the trees at Lilly bluffs let very little light through (which makes it a great place to climb during the summer). This shot was actually a bit by accident, but i like the result.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2003-06-04 Views: 1207 | Votes: 28 | Comments: 13
Used a tripod to take 5 images of him climbing the traverse and then used photoshop to cut 4 of him out and put them on the first picture. Actually i had a friend do it because he is a photoshop wiz, but I was very happy with the final product.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2003-06-04 Views: 1306 | Votes: 73 | Comments: 33
Matt Durnin on the turansformer wall at the Obed. A great little recess at the foot of the problems allowed for this wide-angle shot.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2002-08-12 Views: 830 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Matt Durnin in the Lilly Boulder field. Its a very easy, short little problem on the corner, and we were only on it to take some pictures.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2002-07-14 Views: 1028 | Votes: 41 | Comments: 14
Jason Sanks at the crux of Paraphanalia, a fun laid-back 10 b/c. Pretty juggy with good clipping positions. A great warm up climb along with Ticks are for Kids right next to it.
Submitted by: fastnhappy on 2002-07-14 Views: 915 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 2