Photos by flash5twelve
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A ressurected old thread made me ressurect this old picture of Drew (Vulgarian) trying to make a move on the infamous "Queef-stone" mantle somewhere in Indian Cove, Joshua Tree.
Submitted by: flash5twelve on 2005-10-04 Views: 985 | Comments: 0
It's me at the top of pitch four of Free Blast (5.11b), the first ten pitches of the Salathe Wall, El Capitan.
Submitted by: flash5twelve on 2002-12-06 Views: 1343 | Comments: 0
When you see it, you just have to climb it. Greg Smith on the classic Aiguille de Joshua Tree (5.6). Photo taken by vulgarian.
Submitted by: flash5twelve on 2002-11-26 Views: 1230 | Comments: 0
Fran climbing Wes Bound 5.10a at the Monastary. This was the first and last pitch of the day. A thunderstorm hit as she finished the climb. I cleaned it on TR when the rock was still wet and slippery.
Submitted by: flash5twelve on 2006-11-15 Views: 1741 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0