Little Tesuque Canyon and Rat's Peak from Nun's Curve on Hyde Park Road.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2006-10-18 Views: 1157 | Comments: 0
I snaped this from the La Luz trail when the fog cleared. Jim is a little over 2/3rds up the climb. My brother Carl is on top.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2006-09-04 Views: 1546 | Comments: 0
I snaped this from La Luz trail. Jim and Carl, my brother, are on the second pitch. Jim is barly visable at the belay point at base of the tree in the middle of the cliff. The 1st pitch starts at the lower left of the photo
Submitted by: fritzd on 2006-09-04 Views: 2152 | Comments: 0
Jim snaped this photo of me after we climbed the 1st pitch of Occasional Freshmen but ended up on the 2nd pitch of Redeener
Submitted by: fritzd on 2006-09-04 Views: 1334 | Comments: 0
The photo shows the upper half of the main routes. Juniper overhang is in the center.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-11-12 Views: 2535 | Comments: 0
The East Sentinel is directly east of the Sentinel; in fact, you hike around this crag to get to the top of the Sentinel from the Creast. This crag is not in the guide books. Jim and I climbed the route show in red; it was awesome, good rock and exposure.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-09-29 Views: 1126 | Comments: 0
Lost Ledge follows directly up the open book which is highlited by the sun. Almost Overlooked is just left of center, and the undercling moves right to left under the large roof near the top of the crag. The bottoms of the climbs are obscured by the trees.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-09-29 Views: 891 | Comments: 0
The second picth of Almost Overlooked goes stright up from the belay stance to the left side of the roof above, then moves right using an undercling and roof holds. I took this from near the top of the second pitch. Jim Olsen led the first pitch as is belaying me up the second.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-09-29 Views: 1204 | Comments: 0
Looking at the West Face of Muralla Grande from the front porch. Barly visable 1/3 up in the center is Dave bailing off the 1st pitch of La Silva (same as 1st pitch of Warpy Moople). We (Dave Pratt, Cal Devendorf, and My Self) were attempting La Silva (5-6 pitches) but decide to bail because it was taking us too long per pitch.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-09-11 Views: 1623 | Comments: 0
Sandia Peak, Muralla Grande, Profile of the South Face from Chimney Canyon. Second Coming followes aproximately up the center of the cliff profile. The top of the 1st pitch is at the bottom of the photo. I took this after we bailed off La Silva, which is on the West Face of Muralla Grande.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-09-08 Views: 2086 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Grand Teton, Upper Exum Rdige, 7/28/2005 10:12 am. I am belaying my brother carld up the friction pitch. My other brother George took the picture. We started from the Medows in Garnt Canyon at 2:00 am.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2005-08-17 Views: 835 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
I took this photo on the day before my first experience at Quartz. It shows the entire South American Wall, not just the slab that looks like South America, as described in the guide book "Oklahoma Select, A climbing guide" by Tony Mayse.
Submitted by: fritzd on 2006-11-21 Views: 2941 | Comments: 0