Vicente Planelles enjoying nice fall weather on the Egg.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-11-29 Views: 1565 | Comment: 1
Just a pic of the crag, nothing fancy, maybe it'll help outta towners find it.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-11-29 Views: 3056 | Comments: 0
Bong Bong Firecracker (5.7) is the handish crack left of center, Flying Dutchman (10.c) is the thin, curving crack in the middle, and Wilson-Love (5.8+) is the widish crack on the right.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-11-21 Views: 2194 | Comments: 0
Unknown climber on the Coffin, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-11-21 Views: 1916 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
As viewed from the Sail, this crag sits above the Egg, East of the Sail. I believe it has been climbed, but have no info about the routes. Looks like Mexican Crack! There is also a crack on the white face on the right side (south facing) aspect, not visible in photo. A pretty long hike, but it appears possible to reach by climbing/scrambling from the top of the Egg.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-11-21 Views: 2272 | Comments: 2
Triple Overhangs, 2005. I've been wanting to repeat this line years, and finally found someone else dumb enough to endure the approach. Photo by belayer Vicente Planelles, who thinks the reward justified the hike.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-08-08 Views: 1550 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 4
Alpenglow in Lone Peak Cirque. This a photoshop of two frames...the cirque is a challenge without a wide angle lens!
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-07-23 Views: 1118 | Comment: 1
Taken from the Meadow on the Draper Ridge at about 9000 feet, approaching the Cirque. Still over a mile and 1400 vertical to go!
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-07-23 Views: 1898 | Comments: 0
On top of South Six Shooter after climbing the South Face. A nice, relaxing outing after 2 days of getting worked on 5.10 splitters! Some loose/crumbly rock on the route, but a great summit! Short enough you could do this and then the S. Face Direct (5.9) or TR the 5.10 Diagonal Crack at the base.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 1127 | Comment: 1
Mike Swanicke and Mick Jurynec summitting S. SixShooter on S. Face Direct, 5.9.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 1146 | Comment: 1
Burly gurl on a burly route! Barely 5 feet, 100lbs with some big guns. After some grunting on the initial moves, she cruised the crack once it widenned to .75 - 1 camalot size. Name is Mary something.... Tracy help me out here.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 805 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Another shot of Mary on Coyne Crack....when I find out her name, I'll post a comment. She was way burly! Indian Creek, where girls hike 11s, and struggle on 10s, (thanks to their little hands and toes!).
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 1735 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This climb whupped my ass, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, either. Thin hands start, a couple short OW sections, nice hand jams, and some stemming at the finish! If you're bored of vertical splitters where it's the same move over and over... take a turn on The Gorilla.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 917 | Comment: 1
Mick was the second climber to climb Super Crack that day. The first was a soloist who sent the route in about 2 minutes, so fast that we didn't have time to get a photo.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 783 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
This is the 5.6 mantle cuux on the South Face, assuming you follow the reccommended route. I climbed a short crack just below this that felt 5.7ish, so the rope would run a little straighter.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2005-03-10 Views: 1185 | Comments: 0
Vicente Planelles on Equipment Overhang Right (10c,right) and unknown Climber on Black and White John and Mary(10c left) ...with Equipment Overhang (11a) the roof in between.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2004-08-28 Views: 952 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Topo showing routes on the North Summit Wall, Lone Peak.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2004-08-28 Views: 931 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
A stimulating lead.....I'd only TR'd this the last several years...out of laziness I guess. Somewhat sustained, with some thin smears and thinner gear. Small but good stoppers, just where you need 'em. Photo by Peter Gram with permission.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2004-04-12 Views: 779 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Vicente (aka "trsitan")at the first crux of Gordon's. His advice: if you lead it in one pitch....take lots of draws! Photo by Pete Gram with permission.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2004-04-12 Views: 694 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Ganitegod on Touch Up, Photo by Peter Gram with permission. How can such a short traverse give you such a pump? A beefy sling tied though the eye of the fixed pin would be nice instead of having to thread it every time!
Submitted by: granitegod on 2004-04-11 Views: 982 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Charlie Rawlings leading the second pitch of K-I, circa 1994.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2003-11-16 Views: 753 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Charlie Rawlings with some cord out, studying the crux of the Kor Ingalls, March 94. Intimidating to say the least. We bailed on this attempt. As of 10/03, the crux pitch has 2 bolts, and I found a decent hex placement on a chockstone, making the crux reasonably well protected. The 5.8 chimney above, however, is still quite scintillating.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2003-11-16 Views: 965 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Mark Michaels leading Bad Moki, Wall St, 9 or 9+ depending on who you ask. Sure looks steep from this angle!....not so much. Photo by Charlie Rawlings, early 1990's.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2003-11-11 Views: 1217 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Wall Street classic, one of the few 5.8s, crux is getting off the ground (TCU for pro). Beginning 5.8 leaders might find this stout! Taken by Mark Michaels, climber: unknown.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2003-11-11 Views: 873 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Looks a little more 5.9 from this angle.....Pete Jones, on top rope, early 90's. Top roping is REALLY hurting this route. Rope gooves are eating the crux! If you must TR, Belay from the anchor on top. Rappell off, angling to the right, pull rope from the road. Respect the rock. Photo by unknown bystander with my camera.
Submitted by: granitegod on 2003-11-11 Views: 675 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0