Trying to work "hug me" with street shoes, and no chalk. It can be done but i would suggest throwing on some climbing shoes.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-11-21 Views: 1881 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a Picture of the lower shelter, walking down the path on the right from the upper shelter.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-11-20 Views: 1218 | Comments: 0
This is up the CCC trail and right next to the sometimes route its called "DF" or Batman. This was my first time back to the lake since March. And i rarely climb outside.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-09-17 Views: 996 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is Mr. Intensity himself finally finishing the "DF" or better known as Batman right next to the route sometimes. I guess it is a 5.12 or close to it, but he sent it on his 5th try, which was also his last climb of the day.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-09-17 Views: 1245 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
My older sis told me to wear the visor to dinner but i didnt, but its a good "do you have the Capitan inside you?" pose. And my younger sis is behind me making fun of me.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-04-04 Views: 998 | Comments: 0
I was there for spring break just left of Cat's Eye for like 45min and i had no pads or a spotter so i didnt climb very high i stuck to V0-V2 problems. But im working up the crack.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-04-03 Views: 736 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Now im near the top of this crack, and i finished off by climbing the crack right above my right hand i also used a fist jam because it was fun, and made it over the top.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-04-03 Views: 781 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
It was all little edges, and a side pull but i made it up to the mid part and finished it.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-04-03 Views: 859 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
100ft left of Cats eye just on the other side of the big Crack (my other photos) and this was just a easy ladder climb on rounded edges. But a great view behind me of the Lake.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-04-03 Views: 889 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
The first morning of our trip to Red Rocks, a storm was brewing over the mnts as we look on from our campsite. And later that morning we got rained on (and cont... every day till we left) and hailed on when we were in the mnts that afternoon.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-03-02 Views: 682 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Well this past weekend February 5th (saturday) it made it up to 54F so we decided to go climb at the lake. A little cold up top with the wind but you couldnt ask for a better sunset. It make the day worth it.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-18 Views: 656 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
We had to get a picture of us at the top, after a B-e-a-utiful day of climbing. From you the jackets you can guess its February outside.
(Jesse, Rob, Dave, Colin)
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-18 Views: 1076 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Colin (I) got back outdoors in style with a hott pair of shoes. This is me at the start trying to avoid the water with my huge reach but i didnt. soaked my left leg but i had a awesome time. took me about 15min to get up this route. I cant wait till summer comes when its a little warmer.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-18 Views: 821 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
First time up at the Lake in 8 years. Here i am, after making my way through the water, now moving up the crack. I guess this is right before the A5 Section. I dont really know the terms or where anything is at DL right now.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-09 Views: 812 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Dolphin Style. Just taking a little rest before i start up the Crux section of the climb. Also trying to warm my hands before the climb. The rock was a little cold.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-09 Views: 593 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Once i got past the line of trees, i noticed that the wind was a little strong up there, and it was blowing my jacket over my head so i couldnt see where i was going. It was a pain, and when i got down they called me the Caped Averger or Batman b/c of it.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-09 Views: 703 | Comments: 2
Just me on a simple V0+ problem in the gym, but this time im just campusing it because its a V0+.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-03 Views: 987 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Another one in the gym on our free standing boulder, im heal hooking to get over the top on the V3 problem.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-03 Views: 1183 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 6
Another photo at the Adventure Rock Comp, this time im working on a slab problem. I almost fell off the top one but i caught my hand on it and finished the route.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2005-02-03 Views: 1054 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This is a picture of me last year, in my apt. building. Now my hair is grown out a little more and i try to keep my ficial hair away.
Submitted by: gumby519 on 2004-12-07 Views: 584 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0