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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by hjacobs7373

Your search returned 0 categories and 4 photos


off the road

Average Rating = 0.00/5 off the road

This is a spot that almost no one knows about it is off the main road on my grandparents property so it has no traffic (burnt mill rd) Beulah Colorado
Submitted by: hjacobs7373 on 2012-09-28
Views: 1101 | Comments: 0
off road 2

Average Rating = 0.00/5 off road 2

This is a a spot on my grandparents land so there is no traffic me and a few of my friends are the only ones we know of who has climbed there
Submitted by: hjacobs7373 on 2012-09-28
Views: 1207 | Comments: 0
garden of the gods

Average Rating = 0.00/5 garden of the gods

this was a photo form my bouldering trip to garden of the gods
Submitted by: hjacobs7373 on 2012-09-28
Views: 1533 | Comments: 0
my gear

Average Rating = 3.00/5 my gear

Here's a photo of my gear bag. I just cant wait to get off this computer and back on the rocks.
Submitted by: hjacobs7373 on 2012-09-28
Views: 1100 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4