Photos by hollyclimber
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Note the white toyota van with the doors opened. This is Justin at the Command Center. He gave us a radio so that he could check on us while we were on El Cap. We checked in every night and shared the stories of the day. Tourons were amazed and climbers thought we were less than impressive for having a "groundman". I thought it was all in a days climbing fun. Photo by Chris "The TOOL" Johns.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-07-19 Views: 1159 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Holly climber reluctantly jugs the pancake flake (it would have been nice to climb in rock shoes and I did get to check out someo of the killer finger locks). Photo by Luna Kyly.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-07-19 Views: 1258 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Hollyclimber and partners descend from Sahale Peak on the Quien Sabe Glacier. A perfect weekend in the North Cascades, Washington. Photo by Bruce.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-07-13 Views: 1524 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
A photo of the Grand Teton taken from the approach hike. Photo by Ryan Sasser in July 2001, just before my entry into Accidents in NA Mountaineering.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-06-28 Views: 933 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Classic Crack
Icicle Creek
Leavenworth Wa.
Photo by Chris "The Tool" Johns
The route is a classic (what do you know) crack rated at 5.9, but it is short and not too hard if you know how to jam. And there are a few other good cracks on the same wall.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-06-04 Views: 1724 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
This is me just finishing to jug up the inside of the Texas Flake on the Nose on El Capitan. When I repeated this route in 2003 I led this pitch. Photo taken by Luna Kyly of Boulder, Co.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-06-04 Views: 8638 | Comments: 0
This is me at the top of El Capitan after completing the Nose in 4 days/3 nights. I am all ready for the fun hike down the east ledges with three ropes and our rack. The photo was taken by Luna Kyly of Boulder, Co.
Submitted by: hollyclimber on 2002-06-04 Views: 8750 | Comments: 0