Enjoying a nice day out at Devil's Lake WI West Bluff
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-17 Views: 1139 | Comments: 0
Jamcrack leads Lost Face belayed by friend Jerry.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-17 Views: 1133 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Yup- Broke my left collar bone Tele-Skiing in early season conditions. I have been very bummed to have done this so early in the ice climbing/tele skiing season. I am now into the fifth week of recovery. I have missed out on alot of good ice climbing so far this year.. Darn!!!
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-01-08 Views: 1370 | Comments: 0
This the view down below you when you are climbing ice at Kama Bay looking pertty much straight west. It is quite a sight. The routes are stellar too. I believe this is the northern most point of Lake Superior but I could be wrong- not entirely sure. Wow!!
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-01-08 Views: 720 | Comments: 0
My friend and climbing partner cranks hard on a steep sport route at the Horse Barn area Gov'ner Dodge State Park. Well.. um.... it's not that steep- actually only 5.10a or so. It is just the angle of the shot my daughter took with her digital camera. Hot buggy day in early fall. Oh well - what's new.. it's Wetsconsin.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-01-08 | Last Modified: 2006-11-21 Views: 1746 | Comments: 0
My daughter Grace being goofy while hanging out waiting to climb (get her turn). It was hot and buggy. A early fall climbing day in Wisconsin- typical. Good routes to climb though.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-01-08 Views: 536 | Comments: 0
My friend Eric leading High Fidelity. It was in spec condition. Steep plastic ice and challenging to find the most reasonable way to the top. A really nice late season day too.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2005-12-14 Views: 1086 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This is me starting up the first steep section of PG-13. It was darn cold- around 5 below F. I feel right out of my tools a bit further up having disengaged from both while jammed into the ice corner farther up. My hands got cold stiff so I had take a belay at the ledge about 80 ft up in order to warm and my partner Dave led the rest. A great route with a great view. The bay out below is the northern most point of Lake Superior I believe?
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2005-12-14 Views: 983 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Here is my friend Dave leading Stone Cold Cowboys at Kama Bay Ontario in good fat conditions. It was thin, delicate, and steep in the first section with an escape over left across an overhanging section to a ledge and a final steep headwall above. This route was a gas.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2005-12-14 Views: 855 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
My first profile shot of very low quality but oh well. Here I am a few years ago belaying on the top of Aqua Blue in the midwestern ice climber's paradice Orient Bay, Ontario. It was -20F as the high on this day a week after New Years day 2004. I was jumping up and down in an effort to stay warm. My toes were cold in my Asolo Annapurna's. Really not a good super cold Canada winter boot. Should have had my plastics on.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2005-06-23 | Last Modified: 2006-11-21 Views: 902 | Comments: 0
Dave Rone on lead. Hard 5.11 sport climb.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-21 Views: 721 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Great view huh? Nice wall with OK routes.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-21 Views: 2312 | Comments: 0
Great classic one pitch Grade 4 water ice pitch.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-21 Views: 1253 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
Somewhere in southern Utah.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-21 Views: 1133 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Fun 5.11? sport route in Spearfish Canyon on a hot summer day.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-21 Views: 992 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Jerry stems the 5.8 mid section of Impeachable Offence. It was a nice a sunny day and Dave did not have a filter for his camera.
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2006-11-21 Views: 1536 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
X-mas eve ascent of the Glass Nickcicle....
Submitted by: jamcrack on 2008-02-10 Views: 1049 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0