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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by kevinhansen

Your search returned 0 categories and 6 photos


Kevin Hansen

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Kevin Hansen

I'm climbing Wheat thin at the City of Rocks Idaho and Andrew Burr is shooting away like a mad man. He emailed this to me and I think its one of the best photos of me climbing.
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2008-06-24
Views: 1586 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
5.9 Off Width on Pitch 3

Average Rating = 0.00/5 5.9 Off Width on Pitch 3

I snapped this Pic of Dave wresting his way up the almost unprotectable Chimney. The Walls were flaired and about 3 feet apart. Feel free to hang yer pack from your harness.
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2009-06-09
Views: 2839 | Comments: 0
The Best approach

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Best approach

Walk from the parking lot down to the overlook favoring the left hand railing. Once at the bottome of the stairs, hop the left (north) railing and follow a faint path along ridge till it fades. Keep going and keep te draw to your left. Look for a rock caren to mark the drop in point. Head left down steep dirt till the gulley bottom. You can't miss the fixed rope. Once at the bottom, turn right and stay close to the cliff bottom for less pain. Eventually you will find the shale. WEAR THICK LEATHER GLOBES, CARHARTT'S, AND JACKET.
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2009-06-05
Views: 3058 | Comments: 2
Pig Release idea

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Pig Release idea

I took a few minutes and drew this with microsoft paint. the question is; How do you release your heavy pig from the anchor while you are at the top of the pitch? This is ideal for using a counterweight haul (aka body haul). This gadget would come in two pieces. Au unintentional perk with the long thin handle on the left is as you are docking the pig to the power point, this device could lift the pig up an inch or 2, thus releaving the tention on your haul system for easier take down. This is just an idea I cooked up. Should someone else decide to mass produce these things, better talk to me first!
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2008-06-24
Views: 1882 | Comment: 1
First Trad lead

Average Rating = 0.00/5 First Trad lead

This photo isn't documenting my first trad lead, yet this route back in 1996 was my first trad lead. I think I place a piece of gear every foot or two. A little different that what you see in the picture. Growing up in Idaho Falls and road tripping to the City was the best childhood anyone could ask for. I remember Milton and Rusty climbing this route over spring break in 1996. The daytime high was like 25 degrees. It was the only route we did that trip. Good times.
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2008-03-09
Views: 2119 | Comments: 0
South Face Mt. Hayden

Average Rating = 0.00/5 South Face Mt. Hayden

This is what the South Face looks like with the Origional 5.7 route on the right and the newer Alternated on the Left.
Submitted by: kevinhansen on 2009-06-05
Views: 4264 | Comment: 1