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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by kindredlion

Your search returned 0 categories and 20 photos


I and I ledge a good morning..

Average Rating = 2.50/5 I and I ledge a good morning..

Waking up on the Captain. Pitch 6 Zodiac.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 947 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Looking Up Your Nose

Average Rating = 2.33/5 Looking Up Your Nose

This shot is was taken around noonish, just when the base of the nose starts to get lit up. How many climbers do you see up the Captain nose?
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 653 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Good Morning Wilson

Average Rating = 2.75/5 Good Morning Wilson

Wilson (doki) waking up from a good sleep on the Zodiac route.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 840 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Good Morning Mick

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Good Morning Mick

Mick (rollingstone) waking up on the Zodiac Route.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 672 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Good Morning Jeff and Stanley

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Good Morning Jeff and Stanley

Jeff and Stanley Waking up on the Zodiac Route... These guys blasted past us on P6, having to overcome the unique and new crux created by our three fat sows, and double-double ledges. Jeff made the Piggy crux look easy only using one or two points of direct aid off maybe a ledge or pee bottle possibly. As you can see Jeff was able to lighten his load prior to climbing said crux, using his 'PVC morning performance enhancer' to excrete unwanted toxins built up from the nite befores MRE buffet. (was it chocolate pound cake, or angel food cake?)
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 659 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Pig Picks up the Pen

Average Rating = 3.17/5 Pig Picks up the Pen

This pig, and her neighboring sow were seen overstuffing themselves silly, at the base of the Captain. Strange, it doesn't look like the normal fare for the indigenous El Cap piggies... What is that they're stuffing into their gullets!?!? is that TRASH? On a single trip down from the base of the Zod, we were able to overfill this little piggy, and trail bundles of empty water bottles... We even were able to catch several glimpses of the ever-multiplying 'Brown Paper Poo-Breasted WallBlur'. They were of course performing their signature spinning divebomb maneuvres from the heights of the Captain himself. The carcasses of this shortlived species can be found scattered about the bases of large climbing escarpments all around the Yosemite Park. It seems almost beyond coincidence that the 'Poo Breast' seems to be attracted to areas ideal to wall climbing. At any rate the species is flourishing. There is a theory circulating that the Piggies may actually enjoy being stuffed with "wallblur" carcasses, this deserves more investigation. We will all someday have to lend a hand to clean up what nature has dished out to us. Lets help preserve the valuable and delicate ecosystem neccesary for the survival of the El Cap piggies, and also contribute to the research on whether "Poo Breasted WallBlur" can be a valid alternate nutrition source for the Piggies migratory descents into the meadows. fun fun :)
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 839 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
Wilson (doki) and I (kindredlion)

Average Rating = 2.33/5 Wilson (doki) and I (kindredlion)

Valley goodness. I am half asleep, and the coffee is not made... The sun is almost upon us.. Man we're lazy. Hey Wilson!
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 886 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Team Zod

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Team Zod

Mick (rollingstone), Wilson (doki), and I (kindredlion), waking up slow on the captain. Thanks for a great Trip Mick! It was a nice thing running into you on the wall. Even though we did wake you up at 3:30 in the f&*!ing morning. No Solo Captain for you this trip, you got a couple youngsters slowing you down. Good stories and good times. Looking for a wall partner in Camp4? Don't dismiss the gray haired folk.. Take Air.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 828 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Team Zodiac

Average Rating = 2.62/5 Team Zodiac

Wilson, Mick, and I. Photo taken by Jeff, and Stanley. (the guys who passed us) Please vote on the gripping Description only.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 816 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Looking Good Mick

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Looking Good Mick

That's Mick (rollingstone) Mick was going to solo the Zodiac, but we got in his way. Mick was kind enough to co-operate, and allow us to join together to create one grossly overequipped team. Mick proved to be great company, as well as a wealthy, and generous story teller. (wealth in stories) We had a ball making fun of him for his Rainbow Slings, and having never used a Gri-Gri. Although for these things I also admire him. He didn't need a Gri- Gri because of forethought, technique and planning used in combination with his generations technolgy. Now the Rainbow slings draw my admiration from the sheer courage necessary, to leave the house so close to the Bay Area flying the multicolors so Proud. Mick has a loving wife, (who does some of his sewing for him). Mick has a son, as well as a 23yr old daughter that I asked about several times. (FYI she has no climbing plans) Mick has to be a good father and teacher for he is wise in many ways. All the best to ya Mick and Family. Don't be too hard on yourself the Captain will always be there. Call me if we can go up together.. Adam
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 2016 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Good Morning Adam

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Good Morning Adam

Waking up on the Zodiac route. Good Morning Cap.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 857 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Jeff Gardner Inverted Cam Hook Move

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Jeff Gardner Inverted Cam Hook Move

Look at the concentration on Jeffs face. He doesn't like that hook one bit...
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 2015 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Jeff makes a shiny bolt

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Jeff makes a shiny bolt

"Don't Throw that!! ... I want it for my garden" says Mick to Jeff after he clips the shiny ASCA bolt after the "Inverted Cam Hook" stipulated in the supertopo. We left the block there...
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-07-13
Views: 909 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Classic Beaver

Average Rating = 2.57/5 Classic Beaver

S.F. City - Lies some classic cam hookin'. Castro District is only a five minute walk from this 35-40 foot polished line. Here is me moving up one me aiders... My buddy Wilson (doki) is rapping beside me... ps (why is there no 'Aid' category?)
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-06-01
Views: 1096 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
City and I

Average Rating = 3.00/5 City and I

I have to admit that this is the classic shot at Beaver St. A little shiny stone, and some fresh air... This type of approach I can handle..
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-06-01
Views: 1075 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Movin' up on me aiders

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Movin' up on me aiders

Another Great Beaver Street Solo shot... I am all crunched up moving up on a runout cam hook session... (grounder potential) Looking froward to the rivet a hook or two away...
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-06-01
Views: 895 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
More People than I have Ever seen at Beaver Street

Average Rating = 3.25/5 More People than I have Ever seen at Beaver Street

This turned out to be a fun day.. Another solo shot, this time you can see the sketchy rig... There was a gaggle of folk out at the 'crag', and Wilson (doki) and I setup a slack line after some slimbing.. Every joined in and we had a blast...
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-06-01
Views: 1076 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Traverse From Guano Ledge

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Traverse From Guano Ledge

This is me climbing the traverse from Guano ledge, on Leaning Tower, WestFace. The traverse pitch finishes with an awesome bombay flare; great for ballsy leapfroggin'. After this, link the next pitch starting with two or three hook moves (or 5.6 free they say) into a left traversing bolt ladder, putting you almost right above Guano Ledge again.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-02-01
Views: 857 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Profile Pic

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Profile Pic

Profile Pic was taken by smithclimber at the base of Leaning Tower, West Face, in Yosemite, CA.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-01-25
Views: 561 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
I love this Traverse!!

Average Rating = 3.20/5 I love this Traverse!!

This is the C2(F) traverse leaving Guano Ledge to enter the upper half of the West Face Route on Leaning Tower. The fixed gear I was hoping for right after the lower out was missing on the day I actually summitted this.
Submitted by: kindredlion on 2003-01-24
Views: 878 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2