Photos by kingisme
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Summit of Devil's Tower 6-30-2002. As you can see I am relaxing in the hot sun and looking over the registra, hey lots of names here.
Submitted by: kingisme on 2003-10-13 Views: 1252 | Votes: 16 | Comment: 1
That's me repelling from Royal Arches Yosemite, June 30 2003. This is the 1st of several repells that took about 2 hours to finish. My climbing partner Bea took this great snap shot.
Submitted by: kingisme on 2003-10-12 Views: 1015 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Early Fall at Shovel Point North Shore MN 9-2003, just one of the many climbs in the Western Area. Photographer and belayer is my climbing partner Craig F.
Submitted by: kingisme on 2003-10-12 Views: 2093 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Top of the 3rd pitch on Cat in the Hat, Red Rock, Las Vegas, 11-2001. I remembered it was getting quite cool and my fingers were very cold, I think 2 more pitches left. Hey, look at the great view of the valley floor. Let's see did I went to Vegas for climbing or gambling, neither it was so I could pig out on all those Casino buffets.
Submitted by: kingisme on 2003-10-12 Views: 798 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0