Photos by kissyfur
Your search returned 0 categories and 29 photos
This is me doing one of my first On-sights. Tlaloc 5.10b. Beautiful route man!.
Submitted by: kissyfur on 2002-10-21 Views: 593 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Compitiendo en la caegoría de Pomoción en el Capeonato Nal. de Boulder 2006...
Submitted by: kissyfur on 2007-03-26 Views: 959 | Comments: 0
Probando la ruta una de las porcas veces que fui a esta zona... Dan ganas de volver.
Submitted by: kissyfur on 2007-10-14 Views: 1380 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Otra foto de la final del Campeonato Nacional de Bloque 2006.
Submitted by: kissyfur on 2007-10-14 Views: 1802 | Comments: 0