Photos by kohoclimber
Your search returned 0 categories and 6 photos
Kohoclimber moves through the crux on Bearded Cabbage in Joshua Tree on a very cold day in April, 2004.
Submitted by: kohoclimber on 2004-04-23 Views: 714 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Picture taken from Group Site 1 on New Years Day evening by Kohoclimber in Indian Cove, Joshua Tree - Resubmitted as "High Quality" due to multiple requests
Submitted by: kohoclimber on 2004-01-11 Views: 1570 | Votes: 33 | Comments: 22
Kohoclimber grunting and gasoing up La Reina...might have helped to actually USE the crack!
Submitted by: kohoclimber on 2004-01-04 Views: 668 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Kohoclimber leading Noriega Does Panama - 5.10a in Joshua Tree, Feudal Wall area. Pic taken by Dave Alderson (aka Angry Dave)
Submitted by: kohoclimber on 2003-11-19 Views: 815 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Dave tells Art M (artm) that he can find his, "G*D@&$# guidebook right by your pack, and I don't want to hear another word about the damn thing!" (Please note, much artistic license was taken to "flesh out" Dave's quote to fit the pic...but for those of you who were there you know what I mean!)
Submitted by: kohoclimber on 2003-06-06 Views: 1035 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 5
Kirk Manning on Double Cross, 5.7+, in Joahua Tree. March 4th, 2003 - Photo taken by Karen Bingel - Intended for Profile Pic only
Submitted by: kohoclimber on 2003-05-05 Views: 704 | Comments: 0