Photos by lizard0fthetrail
Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos
As I was scrambling on the boulders, I noticed the wild texture on this boulder. No photoshop or tricky lighting here.
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2006-03-22 Views: 1024 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
This is me working Kahuna. I got to this position quite a few times, but blew each and every time trying to get my right hand up. I can't want to get back and try it some more/experiment for more beta possibly. Photo by Miguel Gonzales
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2005-04-11 Views: 1185 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Me on right eliminator. Nice calm and warm day in March. It was nice to be at horsetooth without all the motorboat sound pollution. Taken by Ryan S.
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2005-03-07 Views: 1240 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Mountain Lake in RMNP, near Bear lake, but not sure which it is.
Adam (me/lizard0fthetrail) onsighting deck chairs, first 5.9 lead ever...went well.
Went for a quick hike and snapped this of Long's on Sunday 11-14
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2004-11-16 Views: 1166 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Went climbing in Golden for the first time yesterday, led for the first time, and onsighted my first 9+! (deck chairs) It was a great time! Got this self portrait in my girlfriend's lenses...
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2004-09-12 Views: 844 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
This was a cool problem, heel hook start to sloping right hand, then a big move to a crimp...'twas a good time. This place is very cool!
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2004-08-05 Views: 1763 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
So after a short day of climbing...(it started raining), we decided to go boulder un the big overhang at quincy. Coincidentally, the problem went right across a rather interesting section of graffitti...resulting in this.
Submitted by: lizard0fthetrail on 2004-08-05 Views: 1189 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0