i tried this route about a year ago knowing that it had not being led.last week i tried it again on a shunt.i found it o.k.the next next day i got my belay bunny and headed out to lead the route.the bottom section has already being climbed some years ago.this section is 8 meters long,with no protection.your only gear is at your feet when you set off.the crux is the last move.i can honestly say i was a bit scared.although not desperate it concentrates your mind.i called it night prowler and graded it e6 6a about 5.12bx in u.s grade.
Submitted by: marks on 2005-11-22 Views: 1471 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 9
a nice little problem at froggatt.getting a bit polished tho,but laura has no problems on it.
Submitted by: marks on 2004-12-15 Views: 1261 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
this is the most exhilirating route ive done.massive runout in an exposed position.the route is b4xs graded e7 6b about .12cX.
Submitted by: marks on 2004-02-22 Views: 1872 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
here i am doing nadins traverse(v7) at the roaches.its a good problem thats pumpy and fingery.
Submitted by: marks on 2004-01-27 Views: 881 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
a v1 crack,which is normally over a muddy puddle,which makes you not fall off.
Submitted by: marks on 2004-01-27 Views: 1158 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
catching the top on a classic problem at the roaches
Submitted by: marks on 2004-01-27 Views: 1170 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
this is a fantastic offwidth,originaly hvs 5b.In the new guide its a deserved e2 5c.it was done before friends.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-12-08 Views: 816 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
heres justin on the elephant bums exit of "imposition" now graded e2 5c.thank god for big friends.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-12-08 Views: 964 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
the finishing crux moves on this joe brown test piece from the 50's.graded e1 5b.ramshaw is a fantastic place for a days jamming,and licking your wounds in the pub after.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-12-08 Views: 1074 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
we were above the clouds at the roaches on this day.the problem is an easy one(v1) but its got really nice moves on it.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-12-06 Views: 836 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 5
this route has its physical crux low down but the mental crux is near the top.1 of many scarey routes at millstone
Submitted by: marks on 2003-10-05 Views: 2268 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 7
tobias is a visiting german,here he is cruising up edge lane.a unprotected classic frightener.18 meters
Submitted by: marks on 2003-10-04 Views: 2797 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
a 1 star arete climb which is given e1 5b as a lead.a long reach is the crux at the top.5.10b in U.S money.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-09-28 Views: 729 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
heres justin soloing the crank (vs 5a).its a fantastic jamming crack about 6 or 7 meters long.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-09-15 Views: 1002 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 6
im putting my 6'-7" span to good use here.graded e2 6c,which is hard but safe.more like a v7 .it was a hot day and the rounded top was hard to hold.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-09-14 Views: 934 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
we were bored one day and thought we would lead this mega run out route.5.14dxx.
the picture makes it look alot smaller than it is.
v3 really,but you knew that.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-07-06 Views: 826 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
justin about to reach for the top on catastrophie international e5 6c ,v7/8.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-07-06 Views: 749 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
i went for the rounded top but messed up.its graded e5 6c but its more like a highball v7/8.the landing is flatish but i hurt my ankle.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-07-05 Views: 769 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 5
the crux slap on this brill problem.the first asscent was by a visiting american.v7
Submitted by: marks on 2003-07-05 Views: 878 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
this is catastrophie international it is a pure pebble route.its given a route grade(e5 6c)but the brave will call it a highball v7/8
Submitted by: marks on 2003-07-05 Views: 736 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
these are the balancy moves on to the slopey ramp where a huge dyno is needed to reach the next hold.superb route.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-06-23 Views: 971 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
this is the crux section on dangerous crocodile snogging e7 6c(5.12d.R).its as scary as it looks.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-06-22 Views: 771 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
this is the scariest route i have done.i have wanted to solo it for a couple of years now but just kept making excuses.but this day was differant.its a very steep groove which is climbed on small pebbles for fingers and smears for toes.e8 6c (5.13aX)
Submitted by: marks on 2003-04-24 Views: 954 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
the conditions as you can see are superb.it was just about freezing but the friction was spot on.this is a 3 star route with gear just a bit too far away for comfort(ground fall)
Submitted by: marks on 2003-04-24 Views: 1530 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
ben bransby is attempting the 2nd ascent of grand theft.font 7c.its a very hard traverse on tiny holds and smears.freezing conditios are essential to even pull on the holds.
Submitted by: marks on 2003-04-24 Views: 951 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0