Here i am bouldering "el nene", in the ground, my friend Oscar
Submitted by: mendou on 2005-02-12 Views: 980 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
This shot was taken at Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, in Mexico. It was new year eve while i was at El Potrero Chico, the sport climbing paradise.
I felt sort of lucky with this photo, since i was there 3:00 am looking for a good shot of "Spires" (These 200 ft rock horns on the west side of the canyon) and the moon wich in that time was beautiful.
I had the idea in my mind of the shot that i was looking for, however the "lucky strike" came when i suddenly saw a light moving upward... It was a climber who was almost to get to the top of that route.
The last thing that i could imagine that night was that i would find a climber there at that particular time... 3:00 am. That was my serendipitous moment where everything fell into place.
Two minutes later the moon was hidden on the rock and the climbers disappeared into the darkness...
Submitted by: mendou on 2018-05-24 Views: 1096 | Comments: 0
this picture was taken while i was rappeling on one of the cascades of El Chiflon
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-26 Views: 833 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
here i am pulling the rope in the cave for next rappel
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-25 Views: 673 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is the foot of my friend Neto trying not to fall on me....
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-22 Views: 648 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Here i was on one of my first times in the slackline...
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-21 Views: 704 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
Here is my friend Neto, he was the lucky one who was falling to the water
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-21 Views: 633 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
this one was taken while we were raising La Viga...
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-12 Views: 377 | Comments: 0
This pic was taken for my friend Alex, is the union of the water of the "Chipitin" waterfall with the "Las Adjuntas" river
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-12 Views: 749 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This is another picture taken for my friend Alex, this place called "Laguna Aguas" is near of Chipitin main waterfall
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-12 Views: 492 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
The watercourse was pretty hard since we arrive...and it continued this way in a lot of time...
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-07 Views: 505 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Opposite to La Viga this pic show the mountains with some snow
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-03 Views: 779 | Comment: 1
Here is my brother Pablo, he is posing in a kind of antena or something in the Vigas top...behind my brother there are the snow mountain of the previous photo
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-03 Views: 620 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
This is a view of La Viga with some minutes of trekking...
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-03 Views: 679 | Comments: 0
This is another view (in different month) from the same antena where my brother taken the previous photo (laugh on the top)
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-03 Views: 580 | Comments: 0
When we arrived to the camping place a lot of water gave us the welcome
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-03 Views: 608 | Comments: 4
yes...he think too!
but...the question is...in what he was thinking?
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-03 Views: 416 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is another picture of the sky in La Viga.
The colors of the sky change in a few minutes
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-02 Views: 382 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Here I am in the penultimate rappel of balcones.
Opposite to me...El Elefante
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-02 Views: 456 | Comments: 0
This pic was taken at 6:00 am approximately, the view of the sky is very good in the morning
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-02 Views: 344 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This picture was taken for Neto...here we are: Manolo, Pablo (my brother) and me
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-02 Views: 402 | Comments: 3
This photo shows a water puddle frozen at the beginnig of the trip...
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-11-02 Views: 644 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Here i´m in the second rappel in the Chiflon waterfall...
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-10-19 Views: 775 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 6
There are a little cave after first rappel, inside are the chains for a second rappel
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-10-19 Views: 560 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
This is Barbol, the Viga's guardian...protecting the woods as always.
Submitted by: mendou on 2004-08-31 Views: 673 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0