Photos by metrogroaz
Your search returned 0 categories and 11 photos
This is me climbing my favorite splitter dihedral in Winslow
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2006-05-24 Views: 1120 | Comments: 0
Climbing the best splitter dihedral in Winslow.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2006-05-24 Views: 1291 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
This is me leading an easy but classic route in Lower Lunar Land, It was extremely cold on this day
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2005-12-19 Views: 1127 | Comments: 0
Topped out on the beatiful Tahquitz mountain after my first gear lead. Absolutely amazing day. Whod of thought greg and I got into a fight that morning.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2005-12-19 Views: 1435 | Comments: 0
This is my partner enjoying the sunset on top of Tahquitz Rock before we have to descend the long hike in the dark.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2005-12-19 Views: 859 | Comments: 0
First lead after a binge drinking fiasco when my girlfriend broke up me, since then ive lost 10 lbs.... and am somewhat as cut as i was when she and i were dating........ btw leading harder than this now!
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2005-07-23 Views: 1071 | Comments: 0
I am posting this to show Atlantis's water, while i was belaying, these drunken germans just came running by and jumped in the water, my friend, the climber, didnt believe me when he got off the route. There really were drunken germans greg, i swear!
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2004-04-09 Views: 1932 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
This is a fun route, it was about midday and it was drizzling, then it started pouring, this is my friend aiding it to clean the last few draws cause it is too wet to climb.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2004-03-22 Views: 976 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
me trying to get over the overhang to clean the rest of the gear.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2004-03-21 Views: 793 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Me climbing, it was a cold day and i had a bad week, so of course i wanted to climb, i just forgot that i tore a ligament and couldnt use my right foot, but that didnt stop me.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2004-03-08 Views: 701 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
i snuck this picture of greg belaying caroline, i was of course on the ground being jealous of people who have the use of both thier feet.
Submitted by: metrogroaz on 2004-03-08 Views: 720 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2