40 caracteres me piden para describir esta foto
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-16 Views: 929 | Comment: 1
Slopersillos en el KM 28, sabe donde quede este boulder
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-16 Views: 840 | Comments: 0
A que los moscos........Este boulder queda por ahi
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-16 Views: 801 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Terreno cuajiresco por el norte de guanatos
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-16 Views: 818 | Comments: 0
The routes in this wall are labeled by holds of the same color
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-12 Views: 2439 | Comments: 0
Super extra funĦĦĦ. The cave has possibilities for transverse, roof, and though short boulders
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-12 Views: 2076 | Comments: 0
Leading in the main wall. Each wall has 3 routes of different levels
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-10-12 Views: 1816 | Comments: 0
This is the non-climbable part of la U, the climbable part is at the very left (not seen in this picture)
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-04-07 Views: 974 | Comments: 0
When the door to get your car down the canyon is closed, you can camp up, which is pretty for a few hours in the morning then is too hot
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-04-07 Views: 763 | Comments: 0
A classic boulder, v8, my favorite. You don't need a crash pad, there is enough cow manure to land on.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-28 Views: 720 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
There is a bunch of 12's in this wall with a few 13's and a couple of 11. The rock is very solid and the holds are varied. The view is great, the weather perfect year round.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-28 Views: 586 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This climb is in the first section coming down the canyon. If you look back, you'll see El Volcan de Colima, and El Pico de Colima. The Volcano is active so you see fumes coming out of it. Its quite impresive.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-28 Views: 873 | Comments: 0
Warming up route, big holds all the time, very fun, crux at the end to get to the chains.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 863 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This route is scary at the end, long runs. It's in between the main wall and El Chile which are the two main climbing areas at Ixcatan.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 684 | Comments: 0
Warm summer evening, around 8:30, ready to go back to the concrete jungle
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 671 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Tepetongo is a water park Near Mexico city, and this route had some resemblance to a water park???
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 918 | Comments: 0
Like many of the routes in el Cuajo it began as a 5.13. I think is a 12 now. One ticki boulder at the middle (picture)
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 798 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is my first time in the place, it seems there is a lot of potential.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 649 | Comment: 1
Scary boulder, many variations. He is the man puting up most of the boulders.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 790 | Comment: 1
This is the section that Hans Florin worked on. Thanks Hans.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 579 | Comment: 1
Once or twice a day you'll have guacamayas flying on your back. They break in the silence of this place.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 669 | Comments: 0
This is were Sorry Hans begins. If you go left there are two pitches of 5.12. La vaca patinadora y Say your prayers (Hans Florin)
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 827 | Comments: 0
This short 5.13a is so f hard. No matter how tired you end up from this route, you still have to do a couple of 5.12 to get out and to your car.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-27 Views: 801 | Comments: 0
Classic boulder, 5.10, one of the firsts climbs in Mexico.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-24 Views: 882 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This route is unique in this area; although is the shortest route, is one of the most difficult. You feel you are going to fall down anytime beggining to end. Climber: Charm-iego.
Submitted by: mocorroco on 2005-03-22 Views: 668 | Comments: 0