First shot of a series through the crux of loose cannon. Photos by lee brinckerhoff.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2006-06-13 Views: 1379 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
photo 2 of a series on this route up the center of the main wall at the dungeon... Photos by lee brinckerhoff.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2006-06-13 Views: 1436 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Photo 3 in a series on the crux of loose cannon. This is the hard part, standing up into the right hand undercling so you can reach all the way to the sloper with your left. Photos by lee brinckerhoff.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2006-06-13 Views: 1485 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
80 feet of crimpy delicate face climbing to an intense boulder problem back to good face climbing. If the crux moves werent so desperate this would be a three star route. Photos by lee brinckerhoff.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2006-06-01 Views: 1451 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Chris Schulte casually relaxes on the jugs one move from the end of Free Willy.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-12-05 Views: 1212 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
1969 climbs a cool series of relatively bad sloping pockets. Creative footwork keeps the moves from being ultra-desperate. In the remote are of west mountain known as "The moon" above Shroom, a closer-to-ground-level classic
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-11-27 | Last Modified: 2008-01-12 Views: 1129 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Campus, match, campus again, get your act together, and pull a nice delicate tall ironrock topout. That's all there is too it.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-10-11 | Last Modified: 2008-01-27 Views: 1165 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Lee trashes his thumbs with a smile on the ringlocks of slice n dice. 3 photos in series
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-10-03 Views: 1186 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Lee trashes his thumbs with a smile on the ringlocks of slice n dice. 3 photos in series
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-10-03 Views: 1158 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Lee trashes his thumbs with a smile on the ringlocks of slice n dice. 3 photos in series
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-10-03 Views: 1062 | Comments: 0
come on fingers, get in that craaaaak. Me about to come off the true one move wonder Murray Lunge and making a nice goofy face at the same time. Photo...Ben Ditto
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-03-24 Views: 1213 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Greg (in photo) takes home the prize for most selfless spot I've seen taking the brunt of the fall off Brian on one of the nastiest bouldering falls I've seen.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-02-16 Views: 770 | Comments: 0
Kathryn on the V3 to the left of New Religion, forgot the name...maybe Religious Idiots?
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-02-08 Views: 937 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Blake warms up on this classic jug haul in his tennies, man is he cool. ;)
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-02-02 Views: 660 | Comment: 1
Anders working his way up the awesome juggy holds in the middle section of this north mountain classic.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-02-02 Views: 764 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
After passing the H and J holds and the Loaf comes this move off the football.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-02-02 Views: 785 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
the direct sun made the climbing unpleasant, but the light shure was great!
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-02-02 Views: 808 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Sussing out the tenuous moves on this weird east mountain problem
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-01-19 Views: 670 | Comments: 0
This beautiful face actaully wasn't as freaky as it looked at first glance, but I still wouldn't suggest to come off the top dyno out of control. This is probably the best V5 at hueco.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2005-01-19 Views: 808 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
A little power move (or a long pull off a shallow mono) is necessary to finish this one off.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-10-06 Views: 1571 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Holy crap, the fortress is in the blazing sun seemingly all year, and it was incredibly hot in September. A worthwile walk up to satisfy our curiosity, but not the greatest "rest day" activity. For what it's worth, the walls are enormous, Kryptonite climbs near the prominent black streak to the right of the massive roof, and Flex Luthor climbs a little further right. Nothing easy here yet...and Tommy's working a new, gnarly looking project further right of Flex.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-09-15 Views: 1756 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
There's a serious lack of pics from Rifle, so even though this isn't a climbing pic per se...thought it might be interesting for folks to see who haven't been before.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-09-14 Views: 1425 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Short and powerful on wild looking stone regardless of it's broken appearance. It's been called "bouldering on a rope" and after seeing folks climb on it, that's a pretty accurate description.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-09-14 Views: 1359 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Another shot from the obscenely overhung and beta intensive Crystal Cave.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-08-02 Views: 1103 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Another shot from the obscenely overhung and beta intensive Crystal Cave.
Submitted by: moonshine505 on 2004-08-02 Views: 1144 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0