Beautiful day in Febuary, Chris styles through Whiskey on TR, neither of us have maned up and led this ultra thin crack, but it doesn't make it any less classic.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2006-03-23 Views: 2511 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Our first time at Stone Mountain, what an awesome trip! I've been back several times since then and I look forward to many more trips.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-03 Views: 907 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
My brother and I chillin at a rap station, soakin up the view and exposure. What a great day!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-02 Views: 1412 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Such a stellar climb! I really enjoyed this one. It was my first trip to Rumbling Bald, you better believe I'll be back!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-02 Views: 2063 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Not sure what the name of this sport climb is, but it's on the far right part of Sauratown, probably the 4th route from the right. We spend a few weekends there this winter/early spring. What a cool place to go on a cold day!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-02 Views: 1804 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
During my first visit to HP40 with some other friends from Virginia Tech, Colin finally sent this stellar problem. I returned a few times and sent this in January. A must do at HP40!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-01 Views: 1032 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
This is me after a fun day w/ the climbing club beginners at Junkyard wall. When we were finished toproping and demonstrating, we took them to the cave to play on the jugs in there. Everyday at the New is a good one!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-01 Views: 1636 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
I can't seem to remember the name of this route, but if someone will help me out, I'll change the name and section. Last year for spring break we stopped at foster falls for a day on the way to sandrock and HP40.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-01 Views: 1812 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
My first time on the Great Arch. What a classic line, I laugh at this pic because now when I lead it I take slings for trees and a cam and quickdraw for the last pitch. Whenever I drive anywhere near there, I just have to stop and take a run up this one!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-01 Views: 1440 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
My first time on the Great Arch. What a classic line! Here I am enjoying a beautiful day in NC!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-01 Views: 886 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Our first time on the Great Arch. What a classic line! Here's Mike following on beautiful day in NC!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2005-04-01 Views: 944 | Comments: 2
On my first visit to Horsepens, we were working on The Crown as the day ended. The sunset was beautiful, so I had to snap a few shots.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-09-06 Views: 633 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
I spent a month on a ranch just west of the Gallatin Canyon. Here's just one sunset I was lucky enough to see.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-09-03 Views: 667 | Comments: 0
I spent a month in Montana this summer, here's one of the amazing sunsets I recorded.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-09-03 Views: 687 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This was the view from my back porch during my month in Montana.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-09-03 Views: 628 | Comments: 0
Another amazing sunset from my Montana trip.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-09-03 Views: 681 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This was my view from my flight into Salt Lake City. What an amazing sight above the clouds!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-09-03 Views: 746 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Not sure what the name or grade of this slab is, but it was awesome in my barefeet! I took along my chalk bucket to keep 'em dry. Day after houndears comp so we were all worked but having fun!
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-04-02 Views: 1164 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
What a beautiful, sustained route! Definitely one of the must climb routes at Sandrock. Great spot for spring break this year with fantastic weather and free camping. Don't let the scary stories about the locals and fourwheeling stop you from checking out this place! This was my first 5.10 lead, I climbed it twice during our trip.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2004-03-18 Views: 1517 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
The new pup, got him in Chatt when it was sleeting and too cold to climb.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2007-04-01 Views: 1752 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Boots is getting bigger, really fast. He's awesome.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2007-04-01 Views: 1782 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Here's boots again, photo by Harrison Shull.
Submitted by: mr8615 on 2007-07-30 Views: 1456 | Comments: 0