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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by mulcahy

Your search returned 0 categories and 20 photos


Jay's Ropin'  It Up.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Jay's Ropin' It Up.

We ain't talkin' lassos neither. RC's own, j_ung mixin' it up on the first ascent of his new route at the lake. (one of many) i thinks it's called cowboy crumble but it might be crunchy cowboy. I dunno. Can't keep up with these boys. Two bolts on brittle but fun ground and then plug the crack to the shuts. YEE HAW!
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 964 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 5
Full Frontal

Average Rating = 3.69/5 Full Frontal

Kristen's not shy. Even with a camera present, she's not at all afraid to put her hands all over Wendy's Jugs. I can't say as I blame her. I myself have handled them, they're quite nice.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 1394 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 13
Bobo Crack

Average Rating = 3.57/5 Bobo Crack

Robby Balls blending in on the classic Generic Crack. A couple of no hands rests between no. 2 sprints in a funky flaring beauty.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 1162 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
Lost at Sea

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Lost at Sea

The brit swimming in a sea of Wingate. Ian Pohowsky on the Generic Crack.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 974 | Comment: 1
Rest Day

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Rest Day

Man, Myth and Legend. Kenny Parker (a.k.a. K. Pizzle), enjoying the fact that he's not at work, in a car, on a plane, on the phone and even more so.... Especially excited he's NOT drinking a 3.2 beer. Kenny, we all love you very much. We're here for you buddy.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 1460 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
I Think I've Been Sandbagged

Average Rating = 3.67/5 I Think I've Been Sandbagged

Elizabeth puttin' on her serious face to crank the crux on this 10+. Not a bad warm up huh Elizabeth? Sorry about that.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 1028 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 7
Did I say I liked #1 Camalots?

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Did I say I liked #1 Camalots?

Me. Way pumped, way early. Way Rambo on-sight.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 1368 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 15
AHHH, Much Better.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 AHHH, Much Better.

This is Incredible!! So that was the crux right? S--T! I was hoping for a yes on that one. Still Chugging on Rambo.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 1144 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Moo Moo Buckeroo

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Moo Moo Buckeroo

Local hairman, I mean hardman, Kenny Parker gettin' sporty on second ascent of Jay's mixed route cowboy crumble or crunch or crisp.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 912 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Ooh, Looky Here

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Ooh, Looky Here

Some of you all may have seen this guy climbing around the New. I know how y'all feel. At first you're excited about the possibility of a tall, hot brunette that's cranking off in the distance. Then you realize.....It's a guy. Ahh Fayetteville (females not included)
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2006-03-07
Views: 845 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
like the underwear, they might be your's

Average Rating = 3.50/5 like the underwear, they might be your's

if you can't tell i'm wearing Patagonia underwear...all the cool kids are sporting them. i'm not a cool kid though, so i just beat up a cool kid and steal his (or her) underwear. totally hard core climber bum to the max...extreme!
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 1041 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 13
don't go towards the light, stay away from the light.

Average Rating = 2.50/5 don't go towards the light, stay away from the light.

a cool silhouette, entering the crack house. still a long way to go.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 693 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Getting High in the Crackhouse.

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Getting High in the Crackhouse.

Here I am trying to make ity look pretty. Unfortunately, no amount of drugs could take the sting out of this route. photo by Matt Wurst
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 769 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2

Average Rating = 3.13/5 "I'm telling ya, if you reach a little deeper there's candy back there!

oh yeah, you'll need a little extra boost when you get here. diggin' deep. photo by matt wurst.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 947 | Votes: 15 | Comments: 4
Head in the Clouds

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Head in the Clouds

Another Beautiful fall day at the Gorge. Jeremy giving some skin on the classic White Eyebrow at Hawk's Nest near Fayetteville, West Virginia.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 871 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Christmas Craggin at the Creek

Average Rating = 3.72/5 Christmas Craggin at the Creek

Alaskan Amy making a beautiful route even more aesthetically pleasing. This route is a short 5.9?? a short ways left of Scarface. More layback and lock than jam.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 1345 | Votes: 54 | Comments: 17

Average Rating = 3.72/5 Shadowjammin'

Chris's shadow making it look easy. The classic 5.11 Scarface on an absolutely gorgeous December day.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 876 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 6
Dam Boulderers.

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Dam Boulderers.

Matt Wurst making the best of the season's first friction. He sends Southern Exposure (V7?) for his first time. And his second and third and so on. I think it's his new warm up.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 1128 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 6
Now I get it.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Now I get it.

Some of the most fun you can have with your pants on. Matt Wurst cutting his teeth and hands on the classic 5.10- Incredible Handcrack.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 814 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Real Tree Camo?

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Real Tree Camo?

Along with the leaves at the Cirque, Matt Wurst keeps hangin' on. This is the Warm Up. I think it's an 11 or so. It's raining right behind me as I take this. It's so steep that it just doesn't matter.
Submitted by: mulcahy on 2005-10-25
Views: 1301 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2