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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by neeshman

Your search returned 0 categories and 10 photos


Kevin Frisbey Makin his way through...

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Kevin Frisbey Makin his way through...

This dude is Kevin and this pic was taken with a film SLR and then scanned through and old "Film-->DigitalCD" machine which was barley working, so I am sure the quality could be better, oh well :) This climb is called Pilgrimage and is rated 5.12a. Sweet climb!
Submitted by: neeshman on 2005-02-02
Views: 1130 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Kyle At Chuckawalla Wall

Average Rating = 3.21/5 Kyle At Chuckawalla Wall

Well, I was standing pretty close to Three Bars Black, oh well, I just wanted my pic on the site to go with my profile. This is me... Kyle Freckleton standing around looking fugly. :)
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-07-05
Views: 1470 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 7
Someone doing Bananna Dance (5.11d) At Turtle Wall

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Someone doing Bananna Dance (5.11d) At Turtle Wall

I am not quite sure who is clilmbing, I think it is myself... hmmmm. Anyways, the climb is called Bannanna Dance at Turtle Wall in St. George, Utah. The climb is about 40' high, about 20-25 feet overhanging jugs and deep crimps and another 15-20 feet of more jugs... and more deep crimps and a couple slopers at the top and two bolts for anchors.... and some more rock above that and another climb to the left and... Whoa! Anyways good climb and cool pic.
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-07-04
Views: 823 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Brandon Hunt Staying Focused right before his 14.a trad climb.

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Brandon Hunt Staying Focused right before his 14.a trad climb.

Just kiddin again (see my upside down pic) NO really he is about to start the 4th pitch of Living On The Edge (5.10c is the overall rating, 5.9 is the rating on the trad pitch.) Just thought it looked hot.. oh I mean inspiring. JK :)
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-04-21
Views: 1190 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Kyle Freckleton Falling On The Last Leadout of Second Coming...

Average Rating = 3.73/5 Kyle Freckleton Falling On The Last Leadout of Second Coming...

OK, Just kiddin but it is me being lowered off the top of second coming (5.12a) at Chuckawalla wall in Utah. This was after my first succesful lead of the said climb.
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-04-10
Views: 1132 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 7
JJ resting before the dyno on Three Bars Black (5.13b)

Average Rating = 3.67/5 JJ resting before the dyno on Three Bars Black (5.13b)

Well basically the title say it all. Here is a friend of mine (JJ) on three bars black. The hardest rated climb at Chuckawallawall in St. George, Utah.
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-03-27
Views: 1167 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 11
Kyle Freckleton Goes For The Dyno and...... sticks it?!?!

Average Rating = 4.08/5 Kyle Freckleton Goes For The Dyno and...... sticks it?!?!

This is a picture of myself going for a dyno and I acntually stuck it. I had been working on it for a couple hours and finally got it. The Starting holds are across from my knee that is just barley off the rock.
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-03-03
Views: 1437 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 10
Brandon Hunt Living On The Edge (10.c)

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Brandon Hunt Living On The Edge (10.c)

This is Brandon Hunt makin his way up the 1st pitch of this 4 pitch sport climb.
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-01-31
Views: 1138 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 7
Kyle Freckleton on Second Coming (512.a)

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Kyle Freckleton on Second Coming (512.a)

This is a pic of myself taken by moss while climbing Second Coming of Chuckawalla Wall in Southern Utah. About 3 weeks ago I posted a pic of an anonymous climber doin it and said that I could not lead it. I now have lead it 2 times! (Personal Victory All Over The Place!!!) Anyways, we are just getting into photography and hopefully the pics from me will get better.
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-01-14
Views: 967 | Comments: 0
Akayleia Potter on Tombstone Bullets

Average Rating = 3.22/5 Akayleia Potter on Tombstone Bullets

Here is Akayleia Potter on Tombstone Bullets (5.10 c/d), Chuckawalla Wall in St. George Utah. This pic was taken while she was completeing the crux of the climb. This is her first time climbing!
Submitted by: neeshman on 2003-01-03
Views: 1622 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 5