It was still a little warm for those hard classic hp sloper problems in early October, but the climbing was still amazing and slush puppy went down just fine. Climber mwurzel, Photo by rcshaw
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-10-16 Views: 1748 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
We found this boulder down the hill and to the right on the blue blazed trail not too far from the Tomb Raiders block area. high quality, although short, problem with a good top out. Another photo suggests this is "whales belly", can anyone confirm the name or offer a grade... photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-05-10 Views: 1424 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Carrie latching a right crimp, preparing to pull through the first of two tough balancy moves near the top of a Franklin classic, Barnacle Bill(11b). photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-05-03 Views: 2201 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Maryland climber (Will ?) on the opening moves to one of the areas classics, Moby's Dick (V6), at the 2006 GS Comp. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-04-12 Views: 2196 | Comments: 0
Maryland climber (Will ?) on the crux moves to one of the areas classics, Moby's Dick (V6), at the 2006 GS Comp. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-04-12 Views: 2290 | Comments: 0
Boston Climber, Lorin, working the opening moves to Circ Arête Left (V2) at the 2006 GS Comp. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-04-12 Views: 1870 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Maryland Climber (Crystal ?) working hard on the sequence to Slopey Circ (V7) at the 2006 GS Comp. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-04-12 Views: 2091 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 7
First day in JTree wandering around climbing boulders this one jumped out at us. Carrie making V4 look easy. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 899 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
This is number one on my most wanted list for the next trip. We weren't quite ready to commit to "the move" this time. Cant wait to get back out there and have another go, hopefully I'll be ready...
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 1055 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Arguably the best climb of my first trip to Red Rock's. Definitely the best 11 I've ever been on. Jeff leading Caustic (11b). photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 1424 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 9
Lots of fun as a warm up in retrospect. A little scary at the time, at least it was for me on this day. Funny how life can be allot like leading a chimney climb now and again, tight spots, back against a wall and so on... photo by Jeff C.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 1393 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Incredible climb! Cant wait to be strong enough to lead this one. Carrie leading hard on her first 12, Sunny and Steep. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 1740 | Comments: 2
Looked like a fantastic climb, wish we had enough light for me to try and run a lap on TR. Hope to be strong enough to lead this one next time. Jeff leading strong on his first 12, Fear and Loathing. photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 1045 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Bryan climbing strong on one of the twin 10's running up the left side of the Wall of Confusion. Pretty sure this ones American Sportsman (10c). photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-29 Views: 1133 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
We found shelter from the wind behind trashcan rock during an uncommon March snow storm in JTree just long enough to work on the Gripper Traverse. Carrie running laps on the traverse in "puffy weather". photo by novclimbs
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2006-03-14 Views: 1056 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Fabulous arête climb, or at least I thought so, and my first hard earned redpoint. Took a nice whip before finishing it from the ground up clean. Staying on the arête as much as possible added a bit more challenge, and FUN! photo by John M.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2005-12-02 Views: 1186 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
A really strong climber, Mark P(?), testing out the moves on The Pod(13b). He planned to come back the next day and send after drying out one of the critical holds. I have no doubt he did just that. photo by novclimbs.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2005-11-06 Views: 1286 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Matt works on Apollo Reed(13a), as I try to figure out how to use my new camera in complete awe. The whole Coliseum area is so impressive, maybe one day... photo by novclimbs.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2005-11-06 Views: 1831 | Comments: 0
Bryan leading Orange Dihedral(5.9), a great climb at Summersville lake on the Orange Oswald wall. what a cool place. photo by novclimbs.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2005-10-24 Views: 1853 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Carrie leading the Unknown 5.9 to the left of castaways (starting on the big block). placing what I believe is her first piece of pro ever while on lead. It was a bomber #3 BD. I later placed my first two cams on TR and hope to lead this as an easy first mixed route on my next trip down.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2005-09-23 Views: 1153 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This rock, just off the tow path, has a short problem with a couple of variations that all wind up in the crack before toping out. A small dyno is possible from the crack to the top to make it even shorter, and more fun. Also has a few other, harder, problems around the right corner.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2005-09-10 Views: 4059 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
this boulder is to the right of a cave, just around the corner from Will Waren's Den, allot of fun to climb...
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2004-11-30 Views: 1818 | Comments: 0
this boulder is just off section A of the Billy Goat trail. lots of fun to top out or traverse and you can make it as hard or easy as you want. the side not in view is vertical at about 16-18'.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2004-11-30 Views: 2984 | Comment: 1
Jeff leading mosaic(5.10b), a great underclinging crack with very cool exposure. the hike up is a little steep(but not super long, 2.5 miles), well worth it.
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2004-10-04 Views: 2055 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
Maria on blue rose, a 5.8+ crack, and the classic climb at Ilchester. fun climb
Submitted by: novclimbs on 2004-09-26 Views: 3488 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0