Pic by Marion of me before my first attempt of the nose with Mark and Jon. I think it was 1981 or so.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2006-01-20 Views: 1831 | Comments: 3
Pic taken by my sister back in 1981 of me on the Chandler Park classic "Wings of Steel".
Submitted by: okieterry on 2006-01-20 Views: 2169 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Pic by Julie Emory of Terry on the first ascent of Ants in Your Pants. He is just pass the crux and moving up and right to his encounter with the flying ants!!
Submitted by: okieterry on 2006-01-13 Views: 1591 | Comments: 0
Rick McCusic and I topped out on the Nose in June 1992. It was a wonderful experience and my first time to the summit of El Cap.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2006-01-06 Views: 1653 | Comment: 1
For her first multipitch climb, I took Allison up the League of Doom and then finished with the ultraclassic Spaceballs pitch. She loved it!!
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-29 Views: 1762 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
crag dogs celebrating a wonderful morning at lake lawtonka, wichita mountains, oklahoma
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-21 Views: 899 | Comments: 0
Chauca is owned by Julie E and accompanies Julie on many trips. She's always well behaved.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-20 Views: 1247 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Route named for the spooky sounds enamating from an old windmill located off in a field nearby. Pic of okieterry by Luke.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-19 Views: 1159 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Stacy did a wonderful job of leading this stiff 5.9 located on Mount Scott in the Wichita Mountains of Oklahoma. The route has a scary 10 foot run-out at the crux. She cruised it.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-19 Views: 1955 | Comments: 3
Loran on her first trip up the Snakehead at Baldy Point, Dec. 11, 2005. In typical windy and cool conditions.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-12 Views: 1411 | Comment: 1
Jimmy Ratzlaff bolting on the first ascent of Chicago Bound. Climb completed during a typical August heat wave back in 1979 or so. Photo by Jon Frank (I think)
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-07 Views: 1277 | Comment: 1
Photo of Jimmy, Duane, and Rick scoping out Quartz Mountain in the old days.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-07 Views: 874 | Comments: 0
Picture of Duane at Quartz back in the early days. Not sure who took this photo but Jimmy Ratzlaff sent it to me several years ago.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-07 Views: 944 | Comments: 0
Learning to trust the mono on the classic traverse outside the bouldering room at OKCRocks.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-07 Views: 1700 | Votes: 35 | Comments: 29
One of the great partnerships in the Wichitas was formed by Jimmy and Jon. Here's a photo of the first ascent of Critical Mass during the fall of 1978. Jon is leading and he managed to really scrape his arm up on the rough rock inside the crack.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-07 Views: 1326 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Matt on Spaceman Spiff. The route has one bolt and then protects with small cams from 0.3 to 1.5 inches. The finish is a little burly for a 5.10 and very memorable.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-04 Views: 1127 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Julie Emory on the crux move of the "Unnamed Route" on Hidden Wall. This route is to the left of Serpentine and is one of the best routes in the Wichita Mountains. Its rated 5.9 but its very sustained.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-02 Views: 1247 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
One of our own...making it big in Colorado. For a week back in the summer of 2004 I got to climb a few days with the Neptune Mountaineering Buyer...another Oklahoman doing well in Colorado.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-02 Views: 828 | Comments: 0
This guy helped us bolt this new variation to an old climb by bringing the drill and bolting gear. It doesn't look like he's having fun does it?
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-12-02 Views: 1200 | Comments: 0
Pic taken during the Thanksgiving 04 weekend showing the steepness of this fine face route.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-11-30 Views: 1242 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Who is this guy???? Most of the time he's mild mannered, easy going climbing retailer....but once he arrives at the crag he just goes "Mr. Hyde" on us! I quickly snapped this photo of him after he calmed down a bit.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-11-28 Views: 755 | Comments: 0
Well....here it is! After a long wait, we finally went back for a gander. Bolts are still there. Pins are still there. A couple of draws hang off of the last bolts before the final obstacle...a ten foot horizontal roof with few holds!!! A word of caution..before you go move onto the block at the end of the rail system...test it...the last time I was on it I swear I felt it shift!!!
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-11-28 Views: 2352 | Comments: 3
Wroyce starting the steep part of "The Claw" on Crab Eyes Formation in the Wichita Mountains of Oklahoma.
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-11-28 Views: 1167 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Thanksgiving 2005 - Thomas gives Power Series a try. He's almost to the fingercrack and good pro.....
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-11-28 Views: 1252 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Chris Marks (berkly) doing the first ascent of this fine route. I had been eyeing this thing for years but always thought that it was filled with poison ivy. As Matt and I were trying Corndog, which is located just to the right of the crack, I suggested to Chris that it would make a fine first ascent. He agreed and quickly sent it while stripping the vines out of it as he climbed. This route is very classic. It has a kinda scary "no hands" traverse down low and then a good crux near the end that felt like solid 5.9 to me. Great climb for a guy on his first trip to Crab Eyes!!!
Submitted by: okieterry on 2005-09-06 Views: 1125 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2