Photos by outdoormikeg
Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos
Humanality, a great 4+ pitch (the first two pitches, the tree and the traverse, really don't count as pitches) route climbs up the left side of the picture under the big growth looking thing. We did the first two pitches and they were amazing!!
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2004-05-24 Views: 875 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
A picture of my Austrian friend Leo flashing a 6c route in Ton Sai beach. This climb is only in the latest version of the guide book and is just to the left of a 6a and a 6b. Once you pull the roof it's a really nice face climb to the top.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2004-05-24 Views: 698 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 5
A pictures of Dave Roetzel climbing in the 2004 Ouray Ice Festival climbing competition.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2004-01-19 Views: 815 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Here is a picture of the pillar that forms up in Firehouse. I forget the name of the climb but in a couple of more weeks it should be ready to go.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2003-11-24 Views: 997 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
I've climbed this one before. It's in the east side of Firehouse, around the corner from where the trail comes up.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2003-11-24 Views: 926 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Here is the stuff in West Firehouse, right where the trail comes up. Hopefully in a couple of weeks it'll be ready to go.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2003-11-24 Views: 963 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Me sitting at the bottom of one of the upper pitches (I forget which one) on the East Face Direct route on the First Flatiron.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2003-10-16 Views: 880 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
This is a picture of my brother and I high on Rainier's Emmons Glacier.
An easy trek for anyone with basic glacier travel skills, but fun none the less.
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2003-10-09 Views: 879 | Votes: 17 | Comments: 15
Here's a picture high up on the East Face Direct route. An easy climb but watch out for the first's pretty run out slab climbing and will get the heart pumping...
Submitted by: outdoormikeg on 2003-10-09 Views: 906 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2