Clipped the first bolt and chalkin up for the rest of the pitch.
This is Max on the first pitch. Picture taken from Southwest Face direct courtesy of Phillip Dobson. Thanks Phil.
This is the 5th pitch where the rock starts to degrade. Great sustained face climbing by Stuart.
This is the slightly sketchy unprotected summit ridge. We made it to the top right as the sun went down.
This is a cool picture I took of my sillouette on the summit right before dark.
This is during the 4th pitch where the route descriptions become questionable. So I decided to place the belay soon in order to find a nice ledge.
This is after a smeary bulge on the face leading through to this perfect hand crack.
Submitted by: outdoorsman123 on 2006-09-10 Views: 1361 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Here I am working my way up through double finger pockets on this classic 10.b with Stuart looking like he isn't belaying me.......I'm sure he is.
Submitted by: outdoorsman123 on 2006-08-16 Views: 1409 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Highest point in Montana, Granite Peak at 12799ft.
We shortened up the entire downclimb by rappelling it.
After the exausting climb out of the saddle between Tempest and Granite.
This is the long sloshy/rocky approach across Froze-to-Death plateau to the basecamp for Granite Peak.
These are some prayer flags on a vertical piece of rock overlooked by Granite Peak.
This climb turned out to be a scramble, but we roped up because we brought the gear and it was pretty exposed.
This was the view of the Wedge for the first two days out of school. Magnificent, but unable to be climbed.
Submitted by: outdoorsman123 on 2006-06-17 Views: 1122 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
A bit windy but still joyfully attempting the route. Sketchy bolts and runout forced us off the wall on the third pitch.
Second attempt at the Wedge. Nicer day with a wonderful belay stance after large roof.
Submitted by: outdoorsman123 on 2006-06-17 Views: 1035 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Scrambling sketchily to the top of this rock, Max leaning over the top of this monstrous crack.
We attempted this problem going diagonally to the right. Abandoning this we experimented with heel hooks over the top.
This is on a little 5.7 crack nice for placing a little bit of beginner pro.
Submitted by: outdoorsman123 on 2006-03-06 Views: 1112 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
This was the beginning of a sunny day in the end of January. Stuart is getting ready for a chilly rappel.
Submitted by: outdoorsman123 on 2006-02-24 Views: 944 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Stuart woke me up early after a restless night on a ledge to get this beautiful sillouette.
Chris Toppin out on a short 5.8 in January at the mounds. Photographed by Stuart.
This was my first trad with my limited rack of 4-13 nuts. Here I made a couple of anchors so Stuart could take some pics.
Sketchy picture taken while belaying. We had been climbing in the shadows all morning, when the sun bathed the rock, thus the name: Sunshine.