Photos by paganmonkeyboy
Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos
still life with avocado, wheat bread, and grapes
spectra funkness at night, with hooks and quartzite
#2 angle in the dark, with funkness attached, just waiting...
and yes, in case you were wondering, i was wearing a helmet...
french form piton 35 mm, solid, holding me as this was shot...
after disabling cookies and restarting firefox, got the nifty lil popup when surfing to
benefit flyer salt lake city december 17th. Come on down and climb, eat, drink, and be merry ;)
furrypink on camera (crazy canuck :D), tarzan420 on route (madman), and little old me saying something i can't remember - Pistol Whipped Buttress
The Titan, et al...hundreds and hundreds of feet of sandstone...rumor has it there's new bolts on the Finger of Fate...
Submitted by: paganmonkeyboy on 2004-07-26 Views: 768 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1