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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by pdemers

Your search returned 0 categories and 12 photos



Average Rating = 0.00/5 Cryptic

Ascending Cryptic on one my early sport leads.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-08-27
Views: 1075 | Comments: 0
Traitor Horn Close Up

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Traitor Horn Close Up

A close up of the traverse leading to the true horn on the right. When standing on top of the horn and facing east, pull the crux by using the footholds on the left side of the horn and walking one's fingers along upper ridge before jug hauling oneself on top.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-08-16
Views: 3047 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Last 25 ft of Coffin Nail

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Last 25 ft of Coffin Nail

Looking down the 5-8 crack from the hanging belay.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-08-16
Views: 4768 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Nawab

A periodically flaring 5.8 crack with a difficult start located about 70 ft left of "The Plague." Protect the top of the vertical crack with a small nut or two before climbing 10 feet to the bomber right horizontal crack. Good nut or small cam placements possible at the right tip of the hort crack before 5.6 face climbing to a pair of anchoring trees. This route can also be top roped by walking up from the left base of the Wailing Wall.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-24
Views: 2212 | Comments: 0
Nawab Closeup

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Nawab Closeup

Upon exiting the vertical crack, several small but solid foot and hand holds help you find your way to the horizontal crack 10 feet above. Underclinging the horizontal crack and moving to the right tip (with a solid handhold) before placing gear is an efficient way to traverse this section.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-24
Views: 2028 | Comments: 0
The Hernia

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Hernia

A photo of the route up the Hernia. Two anchors up top with a 100 ft rap.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-12
Views: 3725 | Comments: 0
The Hernia Crux

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Hernia Crux

The crux is easily protected a with mid-size Camelot (#2?) underneath and to the left of the overhang, and a small Alien (0.75?) or Camelot to right side. The crux can be approached by lie-backing the right side of the crack and placing the left foot inside, or going straight up the center! It's easy climbing above the overhang with a couple nice cam placements in the crack.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-12
Views: 3201 | Comment: 1
Finger Lickin

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Finger Lickin

A fun finger crack with 30' of 1/2 inch jamming. Anchors and a comfortable belay ledge at the top. Two 20 ft slings attached to the anchors will prevent rope drag.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-05
Views: 1229 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Breakout

Climb up and left over the jagged rock fissures. About seven feet above the top-most ledge, will be a horizontal crack. Traverse this right about 15ft until reaching a vertical shoot. Upon exiting the shoot, traverse right over to the large pine tree to set up a belay station. The red dot in the photo denotes the crux.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-05
Views: 1373 | Comments: 0
Peer Pressure Slab

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Peer Pressure Slab

Easily accessible slab for face climbing practice. Climb the 5-1 crack at the right side over and on top of the tree (rather than going left and ducking underneath the branches) to reach the TR anchors.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2006-06-05
Views: 1942 | Comment: 1
Poodlesby Ascent

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Poodlesby Ascent

A fun 5-6 climb with good protection until the traverse under the overhang near the top. In the photo, I'm placing a large hex on top of a weird finned, softball-sized projection with a central hole and 6 inch crack running down the front. Below it, a yellow alien fits into a short horizontal crack for good measure. 20 ft to the right of the top of the climb, a large bolder can be slung with a 20 ft sling for a belay anchor.
Submitted by: pdemers on 2005-10-30
Views: 857 | Comments: 0
Stemming Cranny 5-8 **

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Stemming Cranny 5-8 **

Double crack on west face of Trash Can Rock. I thought the last 10 feet was a little run out with the potential for decking on a ledge. Of course, I might have missed an obvious gear placement along the way!
Submitted by: pdemers on 2005-10-16
Views: 1098 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1