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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by philbox

Your search returned 0 categories and 343 photos


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Theresa coming to grips with the reachy start of Sweet Slam.

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Theresa coming to grips with the reachy start of Sweet Slam.

Theresa sending the reachy start for those that are vertically challenged at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills, SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 993 | Comment: 1
Matt Johnstone taking one last go on this desperately overhung thin fingers

Average Rating = 4.15/5 Matt Johnstone taking one last go on this desperately overhung thin fingers

The Last Laugh 25m 26, is a desperately thin and way overhung route up a spacey headwall, Matt comes to grips with the necessary headspace issues to take one last go in the dying rays of the sun. This route is located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1516 | Votes: 26 | Comments: 13
Cass cranking hard

Average Rating = 3.85/5 Cass cranking hard

The Last Laugh 25m 26, is a desperately thin and way overhung route up a spacey headwall, Cass cranks on this route located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1614 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 7
Matt plugging in an Alien on The Last Laugh 25m 26

Average Rating = 4.10/5 Matt plugging in an Alien on The Last Laugh 25m 26

The Last Laugh 25m 26, is a desperately thin and way overhung route up a spacey headwall, Matt crimps whilst plugging in a key Alien with almost no feet on this outrageous route located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1874 | Votes: 31 | Comments: 16
Damo making his way across the roof of Pendulus 30m 23.

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Damo making his way across the roof of Pendulus 30m 23.

Damo about to clip at the lip of Pendulus 30m 23 located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1015 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Damo's new no hands rest on the roof of Pendulus 30m 23.

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Damo's new no hands rest on the roof of Pendulus 30m 23.

Damo showing us all a new way to rest at the lip of Pendulus 30m 23 located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia. Can you have a FFR (First Free Rest).

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1734 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Damo's whipper off Pendulus 30m 23.

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Damo's whipper off Pendulus 30m 23.

Damo stuffed up pulling the lip on the onsight of Pendulus 30m 23 roof so he eventually got it and so instead of continuing to the top he decided to come down and do the route again for the redpoint. located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1413 | Votes: 21 | Comments: 15
The beginnings of an epic on Pendulus 30m 23.

Average Rating = 3.88/5 The beginnings of an epic on Pendulus 30m 23.

Theresa started up Pendulus 30m 23 far too late in the day. As you can see the light is dimming quickly in the west and she got no further than this. Headtorches had to be gotten to finish the route in the dark using prussiks and other jiggery pokery involving the camera man who was on a handy rope nearby. Located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 1183 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 3
Shawn Palmer crimping for glory on Sharks Fin 25m 23

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Shawn Palmer crimping for glory on Sharks Fin 25m 23

Shawn Palmer crimping on the steep face of the mega steep overhung arete of Sharks Fin 25m 23 located at Redcliffs in the Helidon Hills west of Brisbane in SE Queensland, Australia.

Trip report and others pics in this series click here

Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-25
Views: 996 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Offwidth Juggernaut

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Offwidth Juggernaut

Colin getting into grips with this offwidth monster called Juggernaut 35m 20 at Frog Buttress in SE Queensland Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-13
Views: 1204 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Offwidth Juggernaut rack

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Offwidth Juggernaut rack

Colin displaying the tools needed to climb this offwidth monster called Juggernaut 35m 20 at Frog Buttress in SE Queensland Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-13
Views: 1365 | Comments: 2
Offwidth Juggernaut rack

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Offwidth Juggernaut rack

Colin deep within the offwidth monster called Juggernaut 35m 20 at Frog Buttress in SE Queensland Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-06-13
Views: 971 | Comments: 0
Dawn over Frog Buttress

Average Rating = 3.95/5 Dawn over Frog Buttress

I had set my alarm clock too early and so on my way to Frog Buttress I was greeted by this spectacular sunrise.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-05-01
Views: 1071 | Votes: 20 | Comments: 8
Crimping on razor sharp edges

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Crimping on razor sharp edges

The climb is called Baby Staysharp. The edges that one has to crimp on are as sharp as a baby staysharp knife. This climb is on a detached pillar at the crack climbing mecca of Frog Buttress SE Queensland. This is one of the few sport routes at the crag.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-05-01
Views: 1402 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Baby Staysharp

Average Rating = 3.70/5 Baby Staysharp

The climb is called Baby Staysharp. The edges that one has to crimp on are as sharp as a baby staysharp knife. This climb is on a detached pillar at the crack climbing mecca of Frog Buttress SE Queensland. This is one of the few sport routes at the crag.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-05-01
Views: 1202 | Votes: 20 | Comments: 14
Stuflesser hitch

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Stuflesser hitch

I`ve been asked to post this pic in relation to a knot query. The hitch was described as a Stuflesser hitch. The spelling may be wrong though.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-02-13 | Last Modified: 2007-11-07
Views: 1298 | Comment: 1
Moonlight over the mountain

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Moonlight over the mountain

Full moon over Mt. Barney in S.E. Queensland, Australia. We are above the clouds in a fairyland.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1273 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 10
A friend came visiting

Average Rating = 0.00/5 A friend came visiting

This beasty came visiting when we were camped at the top of East Peak on Mt. Barney in S.E. Queensland, Australia. This is one of the hugest Huntsman spiders I have ever seen, it spooked us for the rest of the night thinking that another one would come along and crawl over our faces while we were asleep.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1086 | Comments: 4
Logans Ridge

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Logans Ridge

Cam climbing the rock spine of Logans Ridge on Mt. Barney S.E. Queensland, Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1968 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Logans Ridge

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Logans Ridge

Cam climbing the rock spine of Logans Ridge on Mt. Barney S.E. Queensland, Australia. North Peak of Barney is in the background.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1095 | Comments: 0
East Face

Average Rating = 0.00/5 East Face

Cam looking out across the massive East Face of Mt. Barney in S.E. Queensland Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1448 | Comments: 0
East Peak of Mt. Barney

Average Rating = 0.00/5 East Peak of Mt. Barney

Cam and Phil discussing the guidebook on top of the East Peak of Mt. Barney in S.E. Queensland, Australia. Mt. Lindsay shows in the background.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1714 | Comment: 1
Barney Gorge creek

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Barney Gorge creek

Cam soaking his feet in the cool mountain waters of Barney Gorge Creek up in the saddle just below Rum Jungle campground between the East Peak and the West Peak of Mt. Barney in S.E. Queensland, Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1546 | Comments: 0
A view down into Rum Jungle

Average Rating = 4.00/5 A view down into Rum Jungle

Cam having a rest whilst ascending from Rum Jungle to the East Peak of Mt. Barney, S.E. Queensland, Australia. Rum Jungle is pictured just below the saddle. There is a brilliant campground in the small tropical rainforest nestled in the notch. Peasants Ridge track starts at the notch and contours left out of the picture behind the hill. Parties have gotten themselves lost up in this area because they cannot find their way to the easiest route down the mountain. Don`t go down Barney Gorge as it is that much harder to negotiate than Peasants Ridge.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 2146 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Soloing in barefeet

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Soloing in barefeet

Cam soloing up a short slab just for the fun of it. We had a play on this slab while ascending back up to the East Peak to camp for the night. East Peak is on Mt. Barney, S.E. Queensland, Australia.
Submitted by: philbox on 2006-01-22
Views: 1961 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
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