Josh at the belay after the pendulumn on Tricks of the Trade. We climbed this route over 2 days in October 2005.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2006-02-15 Views: 2228 | Votes: 30 | Comments: 14
Saw this cool truck in the Camp 4 parking lot. May 2005.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2006-02-15 Views: 1701 | Votes: 65 | Comments: 26
Climbed this over Labor Day weekend, 2005. Ice was thick but dinnerplating. 22 hour day, tent ot tent.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2006-02-15 Views: 1709 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
PTTS is shown. Windhorse climbs the prominent dihedral. The route is about 18 pitches or so.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2005-04-28 Views: 1070 | Comment: 1
This is Fine Jade, a spectacular route on the Rectory. It's one of the best routes I've ever done.......
Submitted by: poorboy on 2004-08-08 Views: 1407 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 18
Scorpion Corner (22), an aesthetic line high on the Bluffs. I'd been eyeing this for a long time but was always intimidated. Fortunately it's got great gear and isn't as hard as it looks.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-10-15 Views: 1131 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
Located in a shady corridor, this climb can be quite cold. All three of us were forced to rest at the same spot on account of numb fingers. A great steep sport climb, and a rarity for J-tree.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-09-04 Views: 983 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
One of the best routes at Hindhede, and one of my first leads (and lead falls). Small holds up slab lead to a traverse and chains. Essential.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-02-02 Views: 1412 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
I did the N.A. with Victor (emphasis on 'tor') from Spain. He didn't speak a shred of english, I spoke minimal Spanish. Nevertheless we figured it out and had a great time!
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-02-02 Views: 862 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
My partner Dave Potter jugs pitch 5 of Tangerine Trip during out January "winter ascent." We were 1 of 2 teams on El Cap.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-02-02 Views: 624 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Worthwhile problem at the base of Sentinel Rock staircase, watch out for loose sandstone and rattlesnakes.
This is from when I first started climbing, check out my "climbing shoes" (watersocks).
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-02-02 Views: 1143 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
The Dragon's Horns. The spire in the foreground in Bukit Nekek Semekut. Waking Dream ascends the white rock on the right side, skirting the prominent roof and continuing to the summit.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 988 | Comments: 0
Waking Dream, The Dragon's Horns, Tioman Island, Malaysia.
This was our previous highpoint in 1998. From here 5 rivets, some hooking and thin nutting got us through the crux and provided the key to the upper reaches of the mountain. We also endured
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 1701 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
From below, a distinctive summit block can be seen, jutting out over the face. We nicknamed this "the Wart" and our ultimate goal was to stand on top of this and peer back down the wall.
The summit yielded spectacular views towards the interior of t
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 898 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
The Triple Cracks was probably the crux for us. Right off the belay my partner Joe placed a beak, and then the smallest nut we had (a black HB offset). Fortunately things tamed up and those sawed off angles are pretty bomber.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 1752 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Day 1 of the Shield, starting up the Free Blast with El Cap towering above.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 923 | Votes: 13 | Comment: 1
We nicknamed this set of sloping ledges the Garden Terrace (I know, how original--hey, we also had a Great Roof!). From here we launched our summit push.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 831 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
After emerging from the rainforest, one is rewarded with spectacular views of the summit plateau.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 926 | Comments: 0
Victoria Peak is one of the most obvious formations on the summit plateau. Several high standard routes venture up this face, most are 4+ pitches.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 952 | Comments: 0
The Mt. Kinabalu summit plateau. Oyabee Thumb is visible on the left, the Dewali Pinnacles are the prominent peaks on the right hand side of the photo.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 926 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
South Peak boasts a number of fine climbs on the amazingly grippy rock. Most climbs are 1-3 pitches in length. Here Rob from England negotiates the crux of an unknown route, with the impressive spread of the summit plateau in the background.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 2019 | Comments: 0
This picture is from 1996. and I decided we didn't need Lost Arrow Spire to put up a tyrolean and off we went. Of course we thought nothing of doing this in broad daylight! Well I went across-quite an exhilirating exper
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 1171 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
Stephen Quale on the one-and-only Outer Limits, one of my favorite Yosemite climbs.
Submitted by: poorboy on 2002-01-20 Views: 1763 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2