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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by punjabi

Your search returned 0 categories and 4 photos


Me Scanning For Gear

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Me Scanning For Gear

I dropped a piece of pro and there was no way i was leaving it behind. I spotted it, took a dip and got the hell out of that fridged ass water! photo by: Janey T.
Submitted by: punjabi on 2006-11-02 | Last Modified: 2006-11-13
Views: 2221 | Comment: 1
Cave Rock route

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Cave Rock route

I was kayaking when i came across Cave Rock. I immediately paddled back to my car, ditched the kayak, grabbed my gear and started hiking up the road with a buddy of mine. When we got down to the base i just sort of picked a line, traversed out and went for it. It felt like a .10d-.11a. I've been to quite a few climbing destinations and I prefer multi- pitch trad, but this single-pitch sport route is the the most beautiful thing I have climbed as of yet! photo by: Janey T.
Submitted by: punjabi on 2006-11-02
Views: 2712 | Comment: 1
Lower Cave and A little bit of The Kona Wall

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Lower Cave and A little bit of The Kona Wall

A great shot, but no climber. If there were a climber on the arete between the sky and the rock this shot would be great. photo by: Janey T.
Submitted by: punjabi on 2006-11-02
Views: 2014 | Comment: 1
B.Y. (aka. The Tree) takin a look through the classic

Average Rating = 0.00/5 B.Y. (aka. The Tree) takin a look through the classic "Geronimo"

this shot had potential except for three things: 1. I was behind the camera 2. I was belaying at the time th photo was taken(not recommended) and 3. it was scanned in. But regardless, I like the view through the crack and the expression on The Tree's face.
Submitted by: punjabi on 2006-11-05
Views: 1320 | Comments: 0