Finally home a week after my shoulder surgery. Remains to be seen how well I'll be able to use it - there's a long road (12-24 months) of physical therapy ahead. I hope to be pulling rock in 9 months :-).
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2005-02-17 Views: 1629 | Comments: 0
Here's a better pic of the contraption they've got me in following my reconstructive shoulder surgery on January 11th, 2005. Try sleeping in this thing - yeah right!
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2005-02-17 Views: 1512 | Comments: 0
Here's the scrape I got from my 9-hour reconstructive shoulder surgery on January 11th, 2005. Despite doc's opinion, I hope to be pulling rock in 9 months.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2005-02-17 Views: 1579 | Comments: 2
Here's a picture of Josh, Matt and Mick after climbing Montezuma's tower at the Garden fo the Gods in Colorado Springs, CO. Great climb, great friends.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2003-07-31 Views: 2420 | Comments: 0
This is Mick Leach nabbing an onsight of Huecos Rancheros (5.10c) in Penitente Canyon, CO. Notice the bum shoulder out of socket :D; oh well, they're going to operate anyways, might as well make those docs earn their pay.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2002-06-28 Views: 2049 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 5
This is my partner, Matt and I at the Garden of the Gods last year. We climb here together every day - well, every day our wives will let us.
Left to Right: Matt, Mick.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2002-04-29 Views: 1447 | Comments: 2
This is Scott jamming his way up Snuggles, 5.8+ on his first EVER climb - not bad Scott :). This is an excellent sustained hand-crack in the Garden of the Gods.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2002-04-26 Views: 1723 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2002-04-25 Views: 1577 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 8
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2001-12-06 Views: 909 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2001-12-03 Views: 1431 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Anaconda (5.11c) in the Garden of the Gods of Colorado Springs is an incredibly majestic climb. Here I am clipping the second fixed piece after sewing up the bottom section. The precarious perch below propelled me to place an extra piece or three.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2001-11-19 Views: 970 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 4
This is me at the top of Elevenmile Dome 2 or 3 years ago. Not a great pic of me, but a gorgeous look down into the canyon - One of the most beautiful places I've had the opportunity to climb yet.
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2001-09-18 Views: 1490 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This was taken 2 years ago at Shelf Road, CO on "Back Her Up The Wall and Caulk Her(5.11)". Ah, yes, my first (of many) unsuccessful attempt on a 5.11 :-).
Submitted by: rck_climber on 2001-09-17 Views: 1004 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0