Photos by ride
Your search returned 0 categories and 10 photos
The Potrero John Slabs viewed from highway 33.
sorry about the small artifacts, my camera sucks :)
Zyzzxx is the lighter colored water streak coming out of the trees on the left side of the main face.
Submitted by: ride on 2004-09-21 Views: 3015 | Comments: 0
Well I tried...
Two Finger Dyno problem way off to the right of the picnic bench.
I think this is a nice picture tho.
Taken with PalmPix Camera :(
Submitted by: ride on 2003-07-07 Views: 1372 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
I love this place.
Ride starting "Up and Away" 10b.
Taken with the PalmPix Camera :(
Submitted by: ride on 2003-07-07 Views: 1460 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
8 year old Sidney Climbing at Arcata Community Park.
This is my new favorite picture of my lil girl!
Submitted by: ride on 2003-03-13 Views: 2039 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
8 year old Sidney Climbing at Arcata Community Park.
This place is so much fun. There should be a "BOULDR" in every park!
Submitted by: ride on 2003-03-13 Views: 1584 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
8 year old Sidney's first few steps on a Slackline.
This kid is a natural! I had a hard time getting her off of it once it was setup.
Submitted by: ride on 2003-03-12 Views: 872 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
the requisite butt-shot of ride "resting" on La Reina.
Photo taken by Staticbuz on 1-19-2003
Submitted by: ride on 2003-01-21 Views: 866 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
This will have to do till I get something better :D
This is ride screwing around on his local glue-up traverse on a recent cold afternoon. Undisclosable location, picture taken with PalmPix camera.
Submitted by: ride on 2002-10-31 Views: 839 | Comments: 0
Shot of Tree Line (tree root) and Ending Crack. Ending Crack is on the left.
Submitted by: ride on 2002-10-04 Views: 1255 | Comment: 1
This is just so you may see the rock type for yourself.
The route pictured is "I Accuse My Parents" the first two bolts of that route are visible.
Submitted by: ride on 2002-09-18 Views: 1269 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0