a closer view of the paint stripe flakes from accross the quarry
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-20 Views: 4155 | Comment: 1
A view of the paint stripe flake line, from the over-water start
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-20 Views: 4149 | Comments: 0
this pic of the overhung dihedals, and the ledge beneath, was taken hanging out over the water at the start of the Paint stripe flake
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-20 Views: 3388 | Comments: 0
Overhung dihedral 1 (OD1) starts in the corner under he overhanging block and trends right up the jugs to the sapling. OD2 starts in the same place, but goes straight up to the open book at the top.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-20 Views: 4152 | Comment: 1
a view of the Talus Wall, from accorss the quarry over the paint stripe face
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-20 Views: 4823 | Comments: 0
A setion of wuarry talus stacked into two adjacent faces forming an arette
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-19 Views: 2185 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
A view of the Painted Stripe face from accross the quarry
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-10-19 Views: 3096 | Comments: 0
A rough composite, but it gives a good idea of the bouldering wall I built in the attic above my appartment. Notice the left hand section added, compared to the "Complete!" picture also in my album
Submitted by: robbovius on 2006-03-02 | Last Modified: 2006-11-14 Views: 1823 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
here's an inexact composite photo of what's complete as of 4/1/05
Submitted by: robbovius on 2005-04-01 Views: 1397 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Preparing to pull over the Paradise Lost roof on lead, just prior to taking the fall shown in one of the other pics
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-12-14 Views: 2013 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
I grabbed a dirty sidepull just as I pulled over the roof, ,my hand slipped off, and WHOOOSH!!!! Air time! I fell onto my old E-bay-bought Chouinard #3 camalot, and had to retire it because carabiner friction frayed the clipping able...towards the bottom of the picture you can see the red tricam that popped, three pieces down. Photo was taken by a hiker who'd stopped to spectate...
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-12-12 Views: 1974 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Had startted talking smack about leading this .9 at College Rock waaaayy back in january of '04 and finally felt ready after 8 months of practice on easier routes, working up thru a couple stout .8s in the weeks and days prior. Went smooth, felt strong and confident...what a rush!!!!
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-09-13 Views: 1447 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Very balancy and thin face climbing on horizontal quartz veins and other SMALL features.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-09-07 Views: 2358 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Eric (Summit) took this picture the evening of 9/02/04, my third lead repeat of the route. It's a fun lead, gobbles up the gear, has a couple nicely commiting moves, the crux is fun, just hard enough for a begining leader like me.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-09-03 Views: 1203 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
This is one fo the more scary climbs around, and anyone trying it out always attracts an audience of hikers. Be sure to scream loudly when you fall.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-08-25 Views: 2530 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
the Lover's Leap route, not listed in the BR guide, but here on the rc.com routes DB.
I had a difficult time with the rightward travese move the first couple times I did it.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-08-24 Views: 2276 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
here are the three established routes listed in the BR guide that are pretty easy to identify. This face is rough textured and not-quite-vertical, maybe 2-3 deg slab. the bottom is overhung. Routes start on the ground behind the table boulder. given the description, the route "Geryon" may also be listed here as "left of Devil's Pulpit" thogh that route might go up between the two small trees growing out of the face. I'ts hard to tell
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-08-24 Views: 1173 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Two 5.5s to the right of the Lover's Leap face, listed in the Boston Rocks Guide
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-08-24 Views: 2707 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
SHown are Paradise Lost 5.8, Paradise Gained 5.9, and Limbo 5.8 (though that's behind the tree)
Submitted by: robbovius on 2004-08-23 Views: 1000 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
A view of Lookout Rock Slab from the bottom. UNfortunately this face-on view doesn't give any kind of scale, and the bottom outward curve is diminished.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2003-08-27 Views: 1677 | Comments: 0
this is the overhang area at the bottom of Lookout Rock/West Crag, just around thecorner from the Slab. check out that negative angle!!
Submitted by: robbovius on 2003-08-27 Views: 1917 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
A truncated view of the Fist Crack. The fist crack itself it the dark angled line that passes behind the tree branch in the photo. Unfortunately the field of view on my digital camera is somewhat narrow so I couldn't get the whole thing in.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2003-08-27 Views: 1849 | Comments: 0
This is the overhung area at the start of
Pumper No.9, and Center Crag Middle. P-no. 9 goes up the center, and CCM goes up to just to the left, up the rough, crimpy slab. CCM has a difficult bit at the start that involves a bit of chimney/gaston-ing to get up to the slab.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2003-08-27 Views: 1346 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
this is the view of the Blackstone River Valley from the Lokout Rock/West Crag Peak...talk about yer PIcture postcard, eh?
Submitted by: robbovius on 2003-08-27 Views: 1389 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
this is the entrance to Lookout Rock, just so you know what to look for as you're driving by.
Submitted by: robbovius on 2003-08-27 Views: 1640 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0