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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by robinson_321

Your search returned 0 categories and 17 photos


Ohio Bouldering

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Ohio Bouldering

Cave man is a cool boulder problem. Start with right hand on sloping crimp and left hand in an undercling. Smear left foot and pop left hand up to sidepull. Cross through or bump up to jug then top.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-09-29
Views: 3129 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Out for a Stroll.

Average Rating = 4.25/5 Out for a Stroll.

Just a little aid climbing to pass a bad weather day. It's never to bad to aid climb. Love the New River Gorge!
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-09-12
Views: 1949 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
The Racist Arete.

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Racist Arete.

It's hard to get a good photo of this problem because of the light but this might help you locate it. It's a really high quality V-7. The landing curves up behind you and is sort of rough. With two pads and a spotter you'll be fine. This problem is just downstream from Immortal Techniques.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-08-20 | Last Modified: 2007-08-13
Views: 1336 | Comments: 0
Begoon Offenbacher

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Begoon Offenbacher

One of the direct Starts for Fathom. This photos on the fourth pitch. If you want to you can combine the third and the fourth pitches to get you up under the roof more quickly. It's in the 10 range but it's run out and not many places for gear. You can use cams from .5 to 2. This route is mostly balancy slab. It was very fun indeed. Lee..
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-08-20
Views: 1900 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
The Racist Arete

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Racist Arete

A very nice V-7 on the backside of a boulder just downstream from the Immortal Techniques boulder.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-08-20
Views: 1773 | Comments: 0

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Ohhh!

From the belay at the bulge. Don't you want to go?
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-08-15
Views: 1912 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
This Boo Ya Arete?

Average Rating = 0.00/5 This Boo Ya Arete?

Hey Peoples. This is another cool problem out here at brecksville. It is just up the hill from the Immortal Techniques boulder. Have fun--
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-08-08
Views: 1750 | Comment: 1
Another Arete here in Ohio!

Average Rating = 4.33/5 Another Arete here in Ohio!

A blocky arete in Ohio. Lots of Blocks to play on here at Brecksville. This one is just downstream from The Gem. I'm not really sure of the name.....
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-08-08
Views: 1938 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Plans to commit Arson

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Plans to commit Arson

Grab holds above your head. Go straight up holds and then either campus or hop to really small crimps. Load up and dyno out right to the ledge, top out up and left.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-07-26
Views: 1628 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Alex on Immortal Techniques

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Alex on Immortal Techniques

Traverse up and to the left on the boulder with the sloping top. This boulder really has good friction and way solid rock.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-07-25
Views: 1483 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Laurel Knob is awesome!! We love it...

Average Rating = 3.79/5 Laurel Knob is awesome!! We love it...

Annette following Lee up Fathom. This climb was nicely featured and not much choss at all. The hike in was rustic but well worth it once in. The rock is clean and reminds me of yosemite. We can't wait to go back.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-07-04
Views: 3625 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 8
Annette Nowak Crankin

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Annette Nowak Crankin

Fight or Flight is one of the top boulder problems at chippewa. This is a great resource to clevelanders because theres problems there from V-0 to V-11. The rock is also superb and the river is always changing the rocks exposing new problems. Love it. Photo by Lee Robinson
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-06-26
Views: 3824 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Lee Pullin on crimpy pockets

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Lee Pullin on crimpy pockets

I love Brecksville so much. The rock quality is so good and if you go do all of the problems I can guarantee a great workout. The landings are rough though so bring your pad and a spotter. This is a problem which the recent flood exposed a nice hard sit start. We called it gopher since you have to climb out of a hole. He He. Climbing is for fun so don't be to serious.. Photo by John Aaron
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2006-06-26
Views: 1461 | Comments: 0
Upper East Side Bouldering

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Upper East Side Bouldering

Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2007-08-01
Views: 1146 | Comments: 0
Upper East Side

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Upper East Side

Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2007-08-01
Views: 1249 | Comments: 0
Project & Upper East Side

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Project & Upper East Side

The new project is going to be at least V-7 and has a scary move to finish it off. The other project / sit start to Dirty Dirty South is really hard going to be at least V-10. Have fun be looking for new photos later.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2007-08-04 | Last Modified: 2008-02-11
Views: 1203 | Comments: 0
Project at the upper east side

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Project at the upper east side

This new spot now has a V-2 called Down and Dirty, also a V-5 called Dirty Dirty South which has a project sit start that will probably be at least V-10. Just one over is another project that should be more in the V-8 range. Brecksville now has more than a handful of problems that are V-7 or harder, which makes for a good workout.
Submitted by: robinson_321 on 2007-08-04
Views: 1280 | Comments: 0