Ran into some people who agreed to climb with me the one day I was in the city. They recommended this route, and I wasn't disappointed!
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-10-11 Views: 1255 | Comments: 0
This was my first time leading a route that requires a pendulum. Lucky for me there is a fixed rope... makes the pendulum a fun easy swing over to a huge flake.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-10-11 Views: 2580 | Comment: 1
The coffin is a beautiful finger crack... gets a little off-fingers for small ones like me, but a great route - great gear - great experience!
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-10-11 Views: 2567 | Comment: 1
Better than coffee is a great crack climb with some tough moves. There are lots of fun warmups in the area...Dem Bones is just around the corner to the left.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-10-11 Views: 1560 | Comments: 0
This is a problem that Holly showed me... one she worked last time she was here. It's a crimpy, vertical, highball problem... easy and fun. The rock at Joe's has amazing color - so beautiful! Here I'm getting ready to traverse left and top out.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-10-11 Views: 1403 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
I met up with Camhead and Stephanie in Red Rocks to climb some beautiful rock. Here's Paul leading up Atman.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-03-24 Views: 1032 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 6
Stephanie is climbing Valentine's Day on a sunny, breezy Sunday afternoon in March. Valentine's Day is a beautiful route, but has a few sections of hollow rock near the start.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-03-24 Views: 869 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
I remember the first time I went to Red Rocks (as a new climber) and tried to follow up Atman without much success. It was exhilirating to see the route again, and this time to lead up it cleanly. Here I'm clipping high, just below the wide section.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-03-24 Views: 955 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
Jamming feet high on Atman... this route is fabulous! It starts with thin hands, but quickly becomes nice hand jams. At the top it gets wide (I used a couple arm bars) with jugs for the last move. Stellar route!
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-03-24 Views: 1090 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 5
Some of the most beautiful rock at Red Rocks.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2005-03-24 Views: 1190 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
In between snow flurries, Aaron makes it up Supercrack.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-12-17 Views: 801 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
This is a route I'd wanted to lead ever since I'd top-roped it on my first trip to Indian Creek. After Aaron had taken a few whippers, I had to show him how it's done :) Thanks for taking the photo, Aaron!
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-12-17 Views: 929 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
Jon leads up the North Face of Castleton Tower... this pitch is wide hands, but the route has wide variety of crack sizes. Stellar route!
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-12-17 Views: 720 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
The last pitch of Coyote Tower is fun and steep! We even heard the coyotes between 3:00 and 4:00, just like the guide book says!
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-12-17 Views: 987 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
The 4th pitch of the Coatimundi/Candyland route traverses out under this great route. Jon leads this very fun, exposed pitch.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-11-12 Views: 1573 | Votes: 43 | Comments: 14
Hong is leading a 5.11 route at the Indian Cove campground... sorry, don't remember the name of the route.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-11-12 Views: 904 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Climbing a route at Echo Cove in JTree on a warm November day. Photo by Amy.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-11-12 Views: 1177 | Comments: 0
A fun roof boulder problem - those tough enough like to campus the whole problem, but I'm all about the feet.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-09-17 Views: 1013 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
... because that's all I got that day. Gotta go back and work it some more... figure out how to get my feet back on when I pop for the hold at the first crux... any suggestions? Pic by Tony
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-09-17 Views: 1543 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Knowing about the big bucket around the right side is key to finishing up Power Trip.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-09-06 Views: 892 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Climbing Mr. Slate is a must do at The Pit... fun, classic route.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-09-03 Views: 859 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
While climbing up at The Pit we ran into Tony (tonygrieb), a fellow rc.com-er. He was climbing strong on True Value.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-09-03 Views: 787 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Stemming is key in climbing the mace...that, and lots of off-width climbing. The big gear is heavy but I definitely was glad I hauled it up.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-06-28 Views: 812 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 3
Vertical climbing up a pocketed face; if the hold is not extremely positive, you're in the wrong pocket. Always a favorite, Pocket Puzzle is a must-do.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-04-16 Views: 921 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Aaron sticks a tough move on Desert Devil (5.13) in the Pond area.
Submitted by: rock_diva on 2004-04-16 Views: 1707 | Votes: 20 | Comments: 20