One the second ascent Tim discovers why the route is called chicken fingers as he approaches the crux. the beautiful thin crack just keeps getting thinner until it becomes useless. Fun but lots of work in an ideal setting.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-10-23 Views: 1531 | Comments: 2
Tim and I spent some time on a grey day trying to get through his mixed pro traverse but in the end we weren't successful. It's steeper than it looks.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-10-15 Views: 1679 | Comment: 1
Tim on good sandstone in a pretty setting getting the FA of a one pitch 5.10+ route he calls Trigonometry.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-08-17 Views: 1615 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
You can see Bob 5.10 and Ed 5.10b the crack/dihedrals on the far left and far right. The center crack is our next destination.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-08-17 Views: 2115 | Comments: 6
I was climbing Diesel and Dust and saw a climber next to me, looked like a great picture. She was climbing a route (end of an era - I think) listed 5.8+ in the book I had but really more like 5.9, I think some holds must have broken off after the FA. What a beautiful day at the garden
Submitted by: sed on 2006-07-15 Views: 1651 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2
Chuck and I had a great day climbing at the garden. we started on this fun warm up with great rock. did the first and second pitches then rapped. highly recommended.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-07-15 Views: 2216 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Tim gets the FA while enjoying the exposure and beauty on this mixed route in the sierra anchas. 175 feet of fun.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-05-25 Views: 1140 | Comment: 1
Tim on the FA, having a good time on this new route in the AZ outback.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-05-25 Views: 1181 | Comments: 2
Tim on FA on a fine summer day in the sierra anchas. Annihilation is a 5.10a mixed route, 2 pitches with great exposure and views.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-05-25 Views: 1356 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
Tim took this pic of me while we were bailing just below the cave. The rain turned into big snow flakes then to rain again. The rock was complete choss, wet, and covered in slimy moss and lichen. Yum
Submitted by: sed on 2006-03-22 Views: 2282 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Dave, Sarah, and I spent a day in the icebox. Dave is climbing on Bitch's Britches, a new sport line I finished setting this same day.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-02-06 Views: 1006 | Comments: 0
Dave smiled his way up this fun moderate on a sunny winter day in isolation canyon. Great rock on this route and fun, easy movement.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-01-24 Views: 1302 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Manny playing around Dancing Machine late in the afternoon. We enjoyed a warm day on Finktion despite hiking through snow. It's like a fun little oasis in the winter. quality rock and quality climbs.
Submitted by: sed on 2006-01-17 Views: 988 | Comments: 0
Send me donations so I can buy Tim a helmet. The poor bastard has to stick a 20 pound quartzite block in his hood for the sake of safety.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-12-19 Views: 876 | Comments: 0
Aaron enjoyed this 5.6 dihedral to chimney and did a great job of it. another fine route in the san tans.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-11-07 Views: 1656 | Comments: 0
Dave barely hesitated going through the 5.7 roof on this fun climb with clean rock and good pro.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-11-07 Views: 1722 | Comments: 2
Aaron Collins and I struggled up this route, I am just getting past the thin crux on top - a bit balancy and crimpy.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-10-25 Views: 1183 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
I saw there wasn't a topo of this wall so I added one. A nice wall in the supes with good rock and some nice lines in a secluded setting.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-10-25 Views: 1864 | Comments: 0
I can't remember which pitch this is but we're about 1/2 up the route worrying about the pretty but serious clouds behind us. we did eventually get rained on for a little while but hid in the cave then continued once it dried.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-10-09 Views: 1364 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
After some fast climbing to get there in time we made it to the "cave of the little screaming man" just as it started raining hard. Tim got soaked before he made it so we built a fire to warm him up. it was a nice break, the best part of the route in my opinion.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-10-09 Views: 1798 | Comments: 0
Dave comes out of the darkness of the icebox and into the light as he finishes Triple point (getting the FA), a moderate, fun exit line.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-09-06 Views: 1023 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Tim starts out feeling strong but that doesn't last. A great effort on a tiring route.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-08-08 Views: 1050 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Tim did a bit of hanging but got to the top of this long and steep route.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-08-08 Views: 941 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Tim is spent but happy to pull through it. He got some motivation from a few wasps along the way.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-08-08 Views: 1014 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Tim's starting to get tired here, hoping for a ledge but not getting it for awhile. A good climb in the shade of icebox.
Submitted by: sed on 2005-08-08 Views: 945 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1