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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by sheppe

Your search returned 0 categories and 10 photos


Sheppe on Claw Hammer

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Sheppe on Claw Hammer

Sheppe right after clipping his draw into the second bolt. This is the day that he finally conquered this climb.
Submitted by: sheppe on 2003-10-03
Views: 1773 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Sheppe's Ascent of Lonely Boy

Average Rating = 3.17/5 Sheppe's Ascent of Lonely Boy

This is Sheppe on his way to the second clip of Lonely Boy (5.10d). Lonely Boy is an awesome route with great holds, but not short-climber friendly. Sheppe's wife Daniela took the pic, and psych was on belay.
Submitted by: sheppe on 2003-05-21 | Last Modified: 2015-08-11
Views: 2045 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
View from the Toboggan Ledge at the Kelowna Crags

Average Rating = 3.33/5 View from the Toboggan Ledge at the Kelowna Crags

The view from the Toboggan Ledge is truly spectacular. Sitting upon my boulder, I couldn't help but take a picture to capture the sight before us, on such a gorgeous day.
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-07-22
Views: 7614 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
Kurt concentrating on the next move.

Average Rating = 3.60/5 Kurt concentrating on the next move.

This is my buddy Kurt, concentrating on the next move he's going to make on Char-Broiled Baldness (5.9). I like the concentration he's got on his face. The trees in the background make for a nice perspective, as well. Photo taken by psych
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-07-15
Views: 1052 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Anchoring off at the top of Spring Fingers

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Anchoring off at the top of Spring Fingers

Here's Sheppe anchoring off at the top of Spring Fingers. The climb was easy and enjoyable, and the weather was perfect! Photo by Hod Pharis
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-06-19
Views: 1051 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 0
Immortal Balance (5.10b)

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Immortal Balance (5.10b)

A collage of Sheppe progressing up Immortal Balance (5.10b), to his on-sight of the route.
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-06-13
Views: 1036 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Shakin' off a pump on Immortal Balance (5.10b)

Average Rating = 3.60/5 Shakin' off a pump on Immortal Balance (5.10b)

Sheppe shaking out his arm to fight off getting too pumped. This shot was taken on Sheppe's on-sight of Immortal Balance (5.10b).
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-06-13
Views: 1106 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Sheppe on the crux of No Nuts Needed (5.9)

Average Rating = 3.71/5 Sheppe on the crux of No Nuts Needed (5.9)

No Nuts Needed was a fun 5.9. The crux was a bit crimpy, but enjoyable. My wife, Daniela, took the pic.
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-04-03 | Last Modified: 2018-02-16
Views: 945 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Sheppe making his way up Bat Slayer (5.10a)

Average Rating = 3.17/5 Sheppe making his way up Bat Slayer (5.10a)

This is Sheppe fighting with the Bat Slayer! The route is the center route of the Lonely Girl wall, at the Lonely Crags. The climb was a lot of fun, with a couple of technical moves at the start and mid way through the route, and an adrenalinizing crux. T
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-01-25 | Last Modified: 2015-08-11
Views: 911 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Sheppe working the start of Claw Hammer

Average Rating = 3.38/5 Sheppe working the start of Claw Hammer

This is a pic of Sheppe attempting the start of Claw Hammer (5.10d). The route is located on a plateau of the Upper Easter Flank of the Kelowna Crags. It's a tough overhanging start to the first clip, followed by a tricky move to get over the lip to the s
Submitted by: sheppe on 2002-01-23 | Last Modified: 2015-08-11
Views: 1207 | Votes: 8 | Comment: 1