The gear was generally good, I brought a big piece and pushed it thru the wide stuff above. A #4 camalot was fixed, upside down, just near me. Mark Michaels took on digital friday 10/13/06.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-10-18 Views: 2148 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
This seems like the crux but it isn't, just a bit wobbly move over the roof and then the crux up a tad higher. David S took on digital 100906
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-10-16 Views: 2174 | Comments: 2
You can see the farm-milpa below just off the trail from Santiago Apoala. We were done and done after the second days lead by Erick!
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2010-04-16 Views: 1749 | Comments: 2
It was a tad warm in Payson but nice once the sun went around the corner. We almost finished the line round the corner. Sonso45 took on 9/26/06 on olympus digital.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-09-26 Views: 1866 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 5
We had a fun weekend at Almo but the weather was cold and wet. We got up 2 pitches on Castle and bailed in the rain. Snowed the next day. Fine place, we have to return. Sonso45 took on 111706 with olympus digital.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-09-19 Views: 2860 | Comment: 1
I like this route, big jugs over a roof, don't get much better. I haven't been here in a couple years. Forgot the crux! Wim took on digital camera 082706.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-08-28 Views: 1924 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Winslow Wall is a very pleasant place to climb in Arizona. This deep canyon has water and shade. Perfect for summer. Mike is burning through the off fingers section of this 12a.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2014-07-01 | Last Modified: 2014-07-13 Views: 2128 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This route has a bit of a painful (for me) section of off fingers. And that isn't the crux.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2014-07-02 | Last Modified: 2014-07-13 Views: 2723 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Paul at the cruxy area on the upper slab.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2014-11-06 Views: 1761 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Ralph McGuire spots Carlos Garcia
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2010-04-28 Views: 2040 | Comments: 0
This 2 pitch route got steeper and harder towards the end. She styled it. Sonso45 took on olympus digital 081006.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-08-14 Views: 1837 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
East Clear Creek is the best spot to climb in the summer in Arizona. Wet and cool, loitering about waitng to climb is not a bother. I really love the reflection of the cloud in a spot of water on the right. The routes David has created are also awesome. Sonso45 took on olympus digital 071506.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-07-27 Views: 2191 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
We enjoyed the sun; after dreading the start, it went easier than I imagined.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2013-11-08 Views: 1185 | Comments: 0
Nice cool July day in East Clear Creek. The Winsloner is the sport route on left and a 10 corner/finger crack on right were nice and shady. The water is awesome there. Sonso45 took on 071506 on olympus digital.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-07-16 Views: 2087 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 5
The crux seemed like the start but it got a tad harder up high; especially if you don't have a big reach. Melinda took on 071506 with olympus digital.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-07-16 | Last Modified: 2010-06-01 Views: 2694 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 6
GReat effort Isaac! I think he'd uv made it if it was a tad cooler. We had fine summer weather but it was a bit humid, stormed on us an hour later. sonso45 took on olylmpus digital 071506.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-07-16 Views: 2469 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
We were climbing Doigt de Deux, a fine wall ending on a pinnacle, about 6b+ w/ a very polished start and I looked around and captured this fine sunday scene of the area. The boat ride over here was great, the view unbeatable and the climbing just plain fun.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2007-06-21 Views: 3522 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Nice moving thru the first roof, it almost was my undoing. Rock is generally good for the area. Sonso45 took on 7/3/06 on olympus digital.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-07-03 Views: 1939 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
A mixed pro/bolt route, it gets better at the second pitch, looks awesome Scott. Sonso45 took on olympus digital 07/3/06.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-07-03 Views: 2063 | Comment: 1
This route is fun and the pro is good making for a fun warm-up. The water looks good but it's noisy and makes for difficult communications, wish we had radios. Sonso45 took on olympus digital june 2006.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-06-29 Views: 1563 | Comments: 0
I got the route without falls, couldn't have done this long superlative route without it! Melinda took on olympus digital 061506.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-06-18 Views: 1799 | Comments: 0
Nice route, great climbing in this wonderful spot. We had an awesome two days there. Sonso45 took on olympus digital 061406.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-06-18 Views: 1736 | Comments: 0
Edward and John followed bravely below us as we ran up Resignation Ridge on Brazos. We stayed in Corkin's Lodge, such a lovely place, very special. Rest in peace Edward.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-06-16 | Last Modified: 2010-06-11 Views: 2601 | Comments: 2
It's a mixed delight of pro and bolts on great rock. Cruxy at start and the roof, which he just passed and is now hanging at the jug. Sonso45 took on May 06 on olympus digital.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-05-26 Views: 1482 | Comments: 3
I had forgotten the crux since my last visit a year or two ago. Cullen cruised it, then cruised the rest of the route. Sonso45 took on olympus digital May 06.
Submitted by: sonso45 on 2006-05-19 Views: 1662 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1