Photos by steelclimbing
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Aaron Marshall after making it to the top of the 7th pitch of Zions curtain, In the Court of the Patriarchs at Zions. With the crack as straight as an arrow, thin as a dime and twice as fine. This is the crack that has been in my dreams for so long it was great to finaly find and climb it. Photo was taken by Scott Solinko.
Submitted by: steelclimbing on 2005-11-10 Views: 2403 | Votes: 50 | Comments: 34
Aaron Marshall heading up one of the ice domes with the valley of death in the back ground. Photo by Scott Buccmbuso
Submitted by: steelclimbing on 2005-11-10 Views: 816 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
This route has two long jungle pitches at first then goes into good aid climbing for the nest 2 pitches at around A2+ with lots of rivits the next several pitches look awsome. Ive only done first 4 pitches
Submitted by: steelclimbing on 2005-10-11 Views: 1296 | Comments: 2